When I saw your email
address I checked out your Web site. How great! My boss is
a cookbook fiend and was so excited to see
all of your recommendations. I just love crossing paths
with other people who are as passionate
about food as we are!
So, you can imagine
our excitement when we saw that you had placed a link to our site on your
Thank you so much! We are honored that you are recommending us to guests at your
Thank you for the link
to our site, you have a great site.
Hi Rebecca,
Just want to tell you that you have the prettiest website! Great
Have fun,
Dear Rebecca,
It has taken me a few weeks to find some
time to look at your site. What a lovely surprise. Your site is
wonderful -- really filled with love and kindness. Thank you for the recipe. I
have always thought it an act of generosity when someone shares
a recipe. Good luck with your site. May it be a source of great
blessing to you as it is to others.
Kind Regards,
Your website is one of the finest I have ever seen. Your
accomplishment shows that you love what you do and do it very well. I am
very impressed, you should be very proud. I say this in complete
honesty. You and your life are a credit to the human race and you make the
world a better place to be with your insights, devotion to your loves
excellence in whatever you undertake!
I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed reading
your reviews with Amazon!
Your reviews are so together and you have such an
array of interests! Thanks again and keep up the GREAT work with your thoughts
and reviews. I look forward to reading them as they are listed at Amazon!
Best regards,
To quote Anne of Green Gables
, I think I've found a "kindred spirit" in you. You and I have a great
deal in common: gardening,
you for bringing a little extra cheer into my life with your website!
Dear Rebecca,
I was checking out Amazon for a madeleine
pan and I saw your recipe. Thank you so much for sharing
it. I am planning to host a tea for my friends and of all the hundreds
of cookbooks and tea books
I couldn't find a recipe. I am
looking forward to trying yours!!
I spent half an hour wandering around your web site - very
impressive! You are an eloquent writer and very enjoyable
to read. Your writing has a graceful flow to it that evades most writers.
I imagine also that part of it is your attitude
toward life that permeates your words. You are clearly
a giving, optimistic person, and it shows even in a review
of a non-fiction book or your
letters to
your editor. Best of luck with your new
cookbook. (Have you ever thought of writing
Dear Rebecca,
As I was browsing the
Internet this morning I went to Copy Kat
a site I visit regularly and decided to go to other links
they recommend and before I knew it I was printing
recipes from your site. I have never seen such a great
selection of recipes. I being a cookbook
collector with a collection of over 300 books, went on
to read about your new cookbook and was so impressed and
am looking so forward to its release. I have never, in all
my years of collecting cookbooks read about such a book
that offer so much more than just recipes. Please
notify me ASAP, I can not wait. I hope to keep in touch
with you and maybe even share recipes of my Mexican Culture. Thanks
for such a great book.
I was able to access your recipe for madeleines when I was searching
through Amazon.com looking for a
non-stick pan with madeleine shapes. I ordered three of
the pans for mini-madeleines and followed your recipe. I was able to make 110
madeleines. They are really mini bite size and I had to
use a teaspoon to fill the molds with batter. They worked
Thank you for the recipe.
Dear Rebecca:
I've just spent the last several hours reading all your Amazon
reviews, and am quite amazed and impressed. (I found you as a reviewer
after purchasing the Cuisinart ice cream maker
(and extra bowl, you were right), solely on the strength of your review. I
thought your instructions were as or more useful than the instruction book and
keep a printout tucked in the back!)
I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but my Amazon shopping
cart (which was empty thanks to the current free shipping offer) now has 12 more
items in it (including a fridge thermometer - who knew?!). I am just starting to
explore your website, and am excited about the wealth
of information it contains! My only question is, how do you have time to do
all these things, cooking,
your own cookbook, exercising
spending time with family?
Well, I guess I do have one more question.
You don't use any cookbook software, do you - just word processor files to
organize all your recipes? I have a
small file box that's full of clippings, and two
shelves of cookbooks and magazines.
I really want to thank you for all your efforts and time; best
of luck in your endeavors.
I am a newcomer to Amazon but I think it's AmaZING! So many
wonderful books and other products to choose from! The
only problem (if there is one at all) is that there are
too many items to choose from. I was extremely overwhelmed
when I first arrived at the site and saw just how many options I had.
Thankfully, Amazon provides reviews. As you
well know! Well, some of them are wonderfully helpful,
funny and informative while others are confusing and often
Yours are probably the best I've seen! You are very
smart and have a terrific sense of spirituality that pervades every sentence
like a sweet smell enters a room. I'm writing to say, "Thank You", something you have most likely heard many times before. But I'm
saying it anyway. I noticed you contribute fairly often
and I think that is great. You have inspired me to pick up
a book, read it and write about it on Amazon and maybe I
might be able to possibly influence someone the way you have influenced
me. You are a truly special woman.
Dear Rebecca:
Your site has been an inspiration for what I want to do, Publish
my own cookbook, Thank you!!!!!. I will start working on it this year and
will let you know on my progress.
Thank you,
Hi Rebecca -
Just a quick note to tell you I love your reviews
for Amazon! From what I have read, you seem like a delightful woman
and I will definitely take your advice on books,
etc. I really identify with what you say (and what you like!!) . Good luck to
you in writing your own cookbook; I am
most interested in seeing it!
I came across your information in amazon.com with a very
impressive profile of your reviews about books of variety of topics. It was
not the number of reviews that you have done, but the quality and attention
that you have paid towards each review!
Going through your website, I noticed that you have done a
great deal of work with your web site and I am confident that Internet Marketing And Search Engine...
help to increase your web traffic.
Keep doing your excellent work with the web site and reviews.
Dear Rebecca,
I would like to sign up for notification of your cookbook and also would really enjoy the once-a-month free
recipe e-zine. I am really looking forward to the chance
to have the book and the e-zine each month. Your website is truly spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning,
I would love to be notified when your cookbook will be
available and would like to receive your recipe e-zine, as well. I also have a
passion for cooking and collect cookbooks for just about every food/style. I
really like your philosophy, it matches mine. I love to cook because I love to
make people happy and it makes me happy. Especially when I'm able to introduce
someone to a dish they'd never encountered before and they find that they enjoy
it. I look forward to your cookbook.
I enjoyed reading your reviews on Amazon.com's books and
videos. As a minister's son, a business man, and a massage therapist, I can
truly appreciate your diverse interest. You have a natural talent for writing
that is both honest and open minded at the same time.
Anyway, just a note to say, "At-A-Girl."
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your WONDERFUL website. I
have been looking for something like your site for a very long time. You have
all of the best food and cooking
links of the web all in one spot!! Most other cooking websites that I found
only contained one or two links to Dean & Deluca or Williams-Sonoma or
something else. You, however, have the best of the web!!
Dear Rebecca,
I found your site by typing, "how
do I write a cookbook" into ask.com. Well, they couldn't have sent me
to a more perfect place! I am indeed starting to write a cookbook and your
website has already been very helpful. I of course bookmarked this site and plan
to come back often. Thank you so much for taking the time to help others who
would like to write cookbooks.
Your forthcoming cookbook looks wonderful. Please notify me
when it is published.
Best wishes,
You're my kind of gal! I'm very much enjoying your reviews
at Amazon.com, although I haven't read all 500 plus!
Appreciating you,
Dear Rebecca,
Just a small note to extend my deepest sympathy upon the
passing of your Grandmother. Just remember that you
will always have her with you...in the lessons she
taught you, in the recipes she shared with you, in the way you reach
out to people. Her impact on your life will be a daily reminder of the
love you had for her and the love she had for you. Both she,
and your parents, have given you so many gifts
which you constantly shower on others.
Keep smiling and remember that now you have an Angel to
watch over you.
Very sincerely,
You have a beautiful site, I am amazed at the amount of
work it must entail.
What a gift to us web-users. Thank you.
I must admit, that as a natural-born cynic, I started out
not liking you much, but you have converted me. You are the most forthrightly
positive person I've ever encountered, and as such, you have influenced me to
become more forthright and positive myself. I'm intuitively an optimist, anyway,
so it was not such a major sea-change. But your missives have mastered me, and I
can no longer resist their allure. I'm a pro-whatever guy now, thanks to
Dear Rebecca,
Your website is really a treasure on the web, and I enjoy
it enormously!
Great tips and just an overall enjoyable web site. Thanks.
Great site, enjoyed it, would love to be able to do the
same. Thanks.
I just wanted to say I love your site. Its so warm and inviting. I lost
myself here for over an hour. LOL I will be back to check out how to write your
own cook book since that is exactly what I am trying to do;) Keep up the good
I'd love for you to come and visit my home on the web: womenonwriting
Hi! In your review of
"Persuasion," the image of "watching the movie with a pot of hot
tea on a cold day" inspired me to not only get the movie, but read a little
about you. Wow! You
are quite the writer.
Good Job on your site!
You've updated your site & it looks terrific!
Wanted to say your review of "Natural Law" is
impressive. Had to add to my wish list after reading it. I'm going to attempt
the scrumptious Balsamic Glazed Cornish Game Hens ...
I love your site. It will be a great help to me in writing my book.
I am a retired NY K-9 Officer and this is going to be a great escape.
Again thank you.
I wanted to thank you so very very much for your review of my first book.
Hi, Rebecca, I've been keeping up with your reviews at
amazon.com and today, while reading all the various reviews of BABETTE'S FEAST
prior to submitting my own review, came across your magnificent review. I gave
it a "helpful" vote of course, as I've done with all of your more
recent reviews. But it is so very enjoyable to find a friend's review of a
product I'm planning to review. Keep up the great work.
Dear Rebecca,
I've just visited your website. I liked it very much and found it extremely
interesting, especially the bits about quotes and cooking. I'm a "quote
collector" too, and though I'm not very good at cooking I'm terribly good
at eating. You're also quite a review authority. I've read some of your works
and they are brilliant.
Hi Rebecca,
Just a short note to say thank you for your wonderful
expose on a couple of 'books about books & book lovers' reviews. I am a
bibliophile and it is wonderful to read that others share my joy. I don't know
how anyone could read your comments/love of books and not CONVERT
With a home full of book/friends,
Hey Rebecca,
I honestly
have to say that every time I'm searching for a good book for my soul there
you are to guide me! It's kind of creepy :) Anyway, I think you
are very dead-on.
You were a tremendous inspiration to me many months ago and
have done it again with our love of anything Biblio. Thank you again for being
such a good friend... for rekindling my love of books/reading; and
congratulations on a fabulous article in the WSJ.
Going to London for annual book-buying extravaganza!
I too am a rabid bibliophile. In fact, soon I'm going to
stencil "A home without books is like a room without windows..." in
our den. In my office, I already have the words: "God created me to write,
I will write no matter what." ~Madeleine L'Engle
I'm a fellow Amazon reviewer. I just happened to notice you
were in the Wall Street Journal. Congratulations on a well-spoken interview. I
manage communications professionally, and you handled one of the major players
as well as any of my oft-interviewed clients.
Great! Thanks for the link--Love all the book
Some of them are familiar. Have you read "A Passion for Books" by
Terry Glaspey. It is filled with gorgeous quotes, pictures of libraries, comfy
chairs and interspersed with some great art as well as his bibliophile prose. I
love it! Also, "Ex Libris" by Anne Fadiman and "Advice to
Writers-A Compendium of Quotes, Anecdotes, and Writerly Wisdom from a Dazzling
Array of Literary Lights." Here is a sample:
" ...the only way to get anywhere as a writer is to have read
ceaselessly and then read some more..." ~David Remnick
I could go on and on, but my books call me to join them in bed.
Wishing you book-filled dreams,
I've read a lot of your reviews and just wanted to say how
much I've enjoyed them.
Hello Rebecca:
I want you to know that I appreciate all of your reviews, as well as your
website. I loved your review of "Iris," especially when you said
"... they show more of the last days of the bouquet than the beginning of
the arrangement." I have to lay awake at night and rack my brain beyond
endurance trying to come up with a metaphor that good for my reviews! Please
keep up the good work, it's appreciated.
Your Fellow Amazon Reviewer,
I couldn't wait for Amazon to post your review, so I went to
your website for it. Wonderful review of a wonderful movie. I appreciate the
way you convey what the film is "about" rather than just what
"happens" in it. Few reviewers (even "professionals,")
seem to be able to do that, or have enough insight to do it.
Take Care,
(In reference to: The
Road Home)
Your site is gorgeous!
Dear Rebecca,
I'm writing to you all the way from Osaka, Japan. I felt compelled to write
and tell you what an inspiring site you provide to all of us.
Your style of writing is visual and pleasantly creative.
1/24/2003 I've just finished cruising around your Seasoned with
Love.com site. I like it a lot, and just bookmarked it. Keep up the great work
on your Seasoned with Love.com! B.
I'm a literary agent in New York, and I have noticed your book reviews
at Amazon. I just wanted to say hello, and to invite you to let me know if
you ever come across any self-published or small-press-published books of
superior quality. I'd be very happy to hear from you, and keep up the great
Top Secret Agent ;)
2/16/2003 Hello: I
have been reviewing your website and am very impressed with its design and
content. B.
I came across your reviews while visiting Amazon. I was
blown away at the sense of purpose you've given your reviews. You transcend
the role of reviewer into a compassionate teacher.
Hi, this is Sally, the one who asked you about the caramel
eclairs. I tried it and the first batch was gone in seconds! Everybody in
my house loved it. Thank you so much! Do you have any other
recipes that you want to recommend to me?
Thank you.
You know what I find very fascinating? You. I've always held this
belief that most people are more complex than they appear. Either emotionally
or intellectually, I think there is usually more to someone than meets the
eye. What's so different and completely fascinating to me, is that there is so
much information about you on your site. Information about your tastes,
preferences, and attitudes. I mean, how does one mix classical music and Buffy
The vampire Slayer?
I have read and enjoyed some of your reviews, compelling me
to go and buy some of the books you have reviewed for the library I work in,
and one or two for myself, too.
You have a wonderful informative site! I can peruse here
for hours!
1/29/2005 I am so impressed with your website! You
have an uncommon care and concern for potential writers and people in general.
In my experience I have yet to see someone who is sure enough about their own
talents to openly share such detailed and valuable knowledge about writing a
cookbook as you have on your website. Your closings about prayers and
blessings, your concern for starving children, and love of kittens and cats
reminds me of things that I also care about very much in this world.
I have always wanted to write and publish a cookbook containing helpful
recipes, techniques, and procedures that I have learned over the years. Your
website has given me some needed confidence that maybe I could do something
good for other people - something that I can give others credit for as credit
is due. S.
2/2/2005 I look forward to the new cookbook. I hope
you will be sending reminders when it becomes available!
Your site is extremely inspiring! J. Wow...you
are a very talented and eloquent writer. I love reading all these reviews
and have place your site in my favorites! Thank you for being so thorough! S. December
I found your site while trying to find a definition for a cooking term via
ask.com search engine. I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for your website.
Your cooking terms page is thorough and the lifesaver I'd been looking for. I
just graduated from a university and suffice to say I've never learned to
really cook or bake anything (thrilled that I can even fry an egg). I've been
trying to cook some holiday cookies and I realized I understood the words but
didn't understand the cooking nuance of the word (i.e. stir means to stir with
spoon or fork). Just wanted to say THANKS again from a non-baker who still
wants to tempt fate by trying to it out. 2006 I
read through your lengthy review and perused the pictures that you included.
The whole thing was incredibly interesting. It was fascinating to trip through
your life and get more of a handle on someone I've come to call a dear friend.
Thank you for sharing with me. Anonymous I
feel that you have a deep wisdom and insight relating to the intent and
purpose of the musical artist, as well as a respectful sensitivity toward
her/his creative merit. Anonymous
just thoroughly explored your website in search of a reviewer for my new book
and instead I feel as if I've encountered a long lost friend. We share an
appreciation of so many things, from Andrew Weil to chocolate! I, too became
an avid reader as a result of my childhood fascination with The Lion, The
Witch and the Wardrobe and confess to harboring great hope for awhile that the
back of our hall closet would someday open up to Narnia.
C. 10/17/2006 Wow,
Rebecca, you are so diversely eloquent! You have found your niche. I
admire your prolific production, and want to assure you that it all gives off
a very positive, warm vibe that is charged with love of beauty. That's what
drew me in. I try to surround myself with positive people. Life's short.
K. 10/30/2006 I
read the LA Times article when it came out and thought that it was great. I
only now have found your website, but I am so glad that I have. Your reviews
are helpful and insightful.
M. 12/8/2006 Hi
- Wow that was a journey, it's taken me over an hour, weaving in and out of
your reviews, thoughts and beautiful choice of words. Firstly let me thank you
for making my day. I have really enjoyed reading your words and feel gladdened
that the world does have some good souls in it after all. I send you my very
best wishes and again thank you for a lovely hour of my Friday morning 8th
December 2006. L. 12/15/2006 After
looking at your Web site, Rebecca, I am excited to know about you and what you
are doing. I recognize a sister of the soul and mutual lover of books and the
magic of words! Thank you for creating this wonderful thing you do!
P. 12/23/2006
I just had to tell you that I find your site downright inspiring. The love
that you have for what you do combined with the optimism in which you do it is
beautiful and refreshing in this day and age. Were there more people like you
wandering about the world, I do believe it would be a better place.
J. 1/11/2007
You rock, this might be the very best product review I've ever read.
Kudos to you, young lady.
Rebecca's review sounds fantastic and I am going to purchase this
product based upon her descriptions...
Your reviews are one of the best, I always look on your page when I check
my own profile and I find tons of things I end up buying myself! Thanx and
don't ever stop :).
K. 1/25/2007
I aptly and very much so enjoyed your review on "Chants to Awaken the
Buddhist Heart!" I though the condensed review on this product, was
excellent...I normally don't at all write others concerning their reviews, but
just felt compelled to let you know all of this...
Keep up your very obvious talent in reviews, as well as your excellent writing
and great substance within it. I'm a writer myself, so I appreciate people
like you a lot...I seriously hope to see more of your reviews Rebecca and wish
you all of the best here! Keep on keeping on, take it easy and the very, very
best to you and for you in your life and living day to day...
Much Peace,
I so enjoy all of your reviews and even more so, your website. I feel that I
have found a new friend and kindred spirit after perusing your site. My
participation at Amazon began in 2001, but didn't last long. I was a timid
writer...but my main focus was always music until the last 10 years or so,
when I felt the calling to write more.
My goal on Amazon is similar to yours, though, in that I do want to share
those things that make our lives better. But mostly, my time on Amazon is
writing exercise for the other writing projects that are dear to my
Thanks again for all your wonderful reviews. Also thank you also for sharing
yourself, your faith and your dreams on your website. You have inspired me
immensely to not only participate in the Amazon forum again, but to pursue the
dreams that God has birthed in my heart.
Your reviews are one of my favorite things to read, you inspire greatly
with your positive energy, it even spilled over on me!
I found your website online and was genuinely impressed. I've never seen
anything like it and the seriousness and care you put into your work is
evident throughout.
It's so wonderful to see what you review every day.
V. 2/16/2007
I may have never been as inspired as I have recently to write more reviews,
if it hadn't been for finding you and your reviews and website. Your
descriptions are at times like poetry. You reveal your heart and soul in our
reviews. I've realized that we can't live in fear of what others think ...we
have to do what God has put in our hearts no matter what the rest of the world
thinks. So hats off to you ...for telling it like it is. I'm totally inspired
by your beautiful spirit.
V. 3/6/2007 Reviewing
books is a wonderful service to those of use who write them-thank you so
4/25/2007 Hello!
Just a quick note to make your day a little brighter here on the planet. I
have been reading and enjoying most of your reviews for two years. Our tastes
are similar, so your reviews often lead me to products that I would not have
otherwise known about! Sometimes, as I shop at Amazon, I will run across one
of your reviews just because I happen to be interested in yet something else
that we hold in common. Small world here on the internet!
~Sending Love and Blessings,
S. 5/18/2008 Your
reviews were so thoughtful, deep, and beautifully written. It touched my heart
to know that someone really took what I had to say and then made it her own.
what I was hoping for! I felt like you were inside my head, listening intently
to every
word that came from my heart. Thank you for giving that much of yourself
to the reading. It makes all those long and lonely hours of writing
all your
letters! Thank you for your support this year!
You have
truly seasoned my life with love.
Warmest Regards,
from Authors for books I reviewed
