Peppermint: Delicious on sugar cookies or beautiful displayed
as candles.
Puppets: Puppet
shows have been used in some European countries for generations to
depict the Christmas scenes.
Reindeer: These
are the famous reindeers said to be used by Santa Claus to pull his
sleigh as he visits homes on Christmas Eve to deliver
presents. Do you
know all their names?
Gift for Your Kitchen Christmas
Plum Pastries
Roses: The
"Christmas Rose" is often used to decorate homes and trees in
Central Europe. The Christmas Rose blooms in winter and is native
to Central Europe. Several beautiful legends make the use of the rose
significant. One states that there was a miraculous growth of
roses where walked in the snow to help a poor old
man. Some of the roses were white as snow and some were as red as
blood. In the United
States there is a winter blooming shrub called the "Christmas
Rose." Read more at: The Legend of the Christmas Rose

Bon Appetit the Christmas Season
Safety: If a
burning Christmas tree is not your idea of a fun time, then you can take
a few precautions. Keeping a Christmas tree fresh and well watered can
help. Making a fresh cut before putting up the tree will make sure that
sap is not clogging the pores. Take the tree and drop it and see if a
shower of leaves falls off, it is too dry if that happens. Use a stand
that will hold at least one gallon of water. The average tree will
"drink" a quart to a gallon of water a day. Turning off your
tree lights when you go to bed or leave the house is essential for
So will you be buying a Norway Spruce
(dark green crown and triangular shape), Scotch Pine (Stiff branches and
excellent needle retention, lasts 3 to 4 weeks), Douglas Fir (, Faser
Fir (compact shape with branches that turn slightly upwards), Grand Fir
(Strong Christmas tree fragrance) or Noble Fir (bluish-green silvery
needles and has stiff branches and a long life span)?

Santa Claus: To
millions of children all over the world who celebrate Christmas, no
other symbol of the holiday fills them with such joy as Santa
Claus. This legendary figure, who flies the world in
his sleigh filled with toys and drops down the chimney delivering gifts
to good girls and boys, is a favorite of children, no matter what
country they live in. Santa Claus, a jolly, stout man with a
twinkle in his eye, rosy-red cheeks and a cheerful laugh, is the
American adaptation of the European legend of Saint Nicholas. He
wears a bright red suit trimmed with white fur, a long red cap and shiny
black boots.
In England, he wears the very same outfit, but there
he is called Father Christmas. In France, children refer to him as
Pere Noel, which means Father Christmas. He wears a long red robe
and white fur hat with wooden shoes. In Switzerland we see another
variation of Santa. His name is Saint Nicholas, and he wears a
long white robe and a tall pointed hat called a miter. There are
numerous other counterparts of Santa Claus across the globe, including
the German Kris Kringle, the Denmark Jule Nissen (Christmas Elf), the
Swedish Star-man, the Greek St. Basil, the Russian Babouschka and the
Italian Befana.

7'1" Semi-Concert Grand Piano (Ebony Polish)
The Swedish Jul Tomten is a tiny old man who
leaves gifts. A bowl of bread and milk is always left for him to
enjoy, though the family cat is often accused of enjoying it for
him. Though he may look a bit different and be called many
names, to children of all countries his message is the same. They peek
out the windows and hope to catch a glimpse of this special man as he
flies through the sky, delivering gifts for boys and girls they will get
to open on Christmas Day.
Sheaf of Grain: In
Scandinavian countries sheaves of grain are tied outside of the homes
for the birds at Christmas time. In Ireland, a pan of oats is
placed as high as possible with twelve lighted candles, representing the
twelve apostles. A larger candle is placed in the center to
represent Christ as the "Light of the World."

Shepherd & Sheep: The shepherds
were watching their flocks the night Christ was born. It is
possible that one shepherd carried a lamb, wrapped in his mantel to
keep it warm, as a gift to the baby Jesus.