
Walking Meditation
Walking Meditation DVD/CD/Book Set, November 26, 2006
"Walking meditation is meditation while walking. We walk
slowly, in a relaxed way, keeping a light smile on our lips.
When we practice this way, we feel deeply at ease, and our steps
are those of the most secure person on Earth. All our sorrows
and anxieties drop away, and peace and joy fill our hearts.
Anyone can do it. It takes only a little time, a little
mindfulness, and the wish to be happy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh teaches the importance of mindfulness and
believes walking is not just a way to get from one place to
another, "it is a time to live." Enjoying every step
you make is more important than arriving at your new
destination. Walking with a sense of peace and joy is explained
more on the DVD as he demonstrates how to walk with a sense of
He introduces the concepts of:
Walking in the present moment
The three basic elements of walking meditation
Where to practice walking meditation
Practicing walking meditation
The fourth element of walking meditation: Smiling
"Peace is every step
the shining red sun is my heart.
Each flower smiles with me.
How green, how fresh all that grows.
How cool the wind blows.
Peace is every step.
It turns the endless path to joy.
~Tinh Thury
The CD introduces:
Conscious Breathing Meditation
Slow Walking Meditation
Walking Meditation in Nature
Walking Meditation in Public Places
Walking Meditation to Embrace Your Emotions
If you are looking for ways to exercise your soul as much as
your body, then Walking Meditations can bring you more peace and
give you new reasons to walk in nature.
Nguyen Anh-Huong's beautiful voice also leads you through a
meditation where you learn to breathe more deeply and imagine
yourself as a tree, with roots deep in the earth. The last three
sections show you how to breathe and walk with purpose and joy.
Anyone who enjoys Yoga will also enjoy the meditations as they
add new creative dimensions. This book is filled with poetic
thoughts, new reasons to enjoy life and a embraces a nurturing
place for your soul to grow.
"May flowers bloom beneath your feet." ~ pg. 53
~The Rebecca Review

Low Impact Aerobic Sidestepper
Takes Getting Used To..., March 8, 2006
After months of consideration, this was the final choice. Not
only does this work differently than most steppers, it looked
like it would increase side-to-side balance and give a good
workout that was fluid and purposeful.
Once you start working out, both sides become very fluid as the
hydraulic cylinders work to precisely allow motion that is never
jarring. In fact, it takes a few days to get the hang of the
stepping because it is so easy to do and you have to achieve a
certain balance to keep both sides in harmony. Once you find
that place of balance, it is easier and easier to accomplish a
good workout.
Almost immediately I noticed areas of my legs firming up, areas
that my bike was not addressing. I also immediately noticed
muscles around my knees being used, perhaps that had not been
exercised in this way for quite a few years.
So, overall, this will balance out your exercise routine, giving
you a quick way to burn
a few calories here and there throughout the day. Want to watch
a quick show on TV, then you can easily pull this out from the
corner and get a little exercise while you are entertained. It
is also quiet enough to use while others are watching TV. In
fact, now and then I'll go and spend more time with my husband
while he is watching TV because my stepper and bike are in the
TV room. He seems to like the fact that I'm working out and
spending time with him.
Last but not least, the little display shows the calories you
have burned and that is very satisfying. I noticed you burn
quite a few calories even in a short session. You are totally in
charge of the intensity, speed and time. Once you set up the
stepper, you can also adjust it to your preference. The steps
can be adjusted closer or further apart. This is perfect for
short bursts of exercise throughout the day. It took a few days
to get used to, but now it is really fun to exercise on a
balance stepper.
~The Rebecca Review
Super Quiet Recumbent Bike, March 8, 2006
If you want to exercise any time of the day without
disturbing either the neighbors or your family in the next room,
then the Stamina Silent Magnetic Resistance Bike is the perfect
solution. Not only is the quiet, it is comfortable and easy to
assemble. While riding the bike, you can also see the TV since
there is nothing in front of your face to look around. The main
display panel is low enough and the seat is high enough to
accommodate TV viewing. Most of the bike has been pre-assembled
so it only takes a short time to finish the assembly.
The LCD Display area shows Time, Speed, Distance, Calories,
Program and Pulse. A little bike runs around the edge of the
screen. Programs to choose from:
Fat Burn
Max Fat Burn
The pedals are comfortable to push and the position you are
sitting in seems ideal if you are worried about your knees being
uncomfortable. Some bikes I've tried are too uncomfortable to
use, so this one was a nice surprise.
The way this bike is made makes it easy to move. There are
"wheels" or at least leveling caps that make the bike
easier to move if you have to slide this back and forth on the
carpet. Everything is included for assembly and once you get
this bike all put together, it is very easy to use and quite
convenient. Since it is so quiet, you can even use this bike in
the middle of the night or while other people are sleeping.
~The Rebecca Review
Silent Magnetic Resistance Recumbent Bike

Backpacking & Hiking
Helpful Guide for Adventurous Exploration, May 26, 2006
Hiking helps you escape from a fast-paced, complex, and often
stressful world. Some hikers enjoy a slow, relaxed walk, taking
in the scenery, while others like to take on nature and push
themselves to the limit. However you choose to hike, it should
be a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable experience. ~Karen
Karen Berger has enjoyed walking over 17,000 miles through a
wide variety of landscapes on six continents. Her outdoor
expertise is especially evident in the Eyewitness Companions
Backpacking & Hiking guide. The chapters include:
Choosing a Destination
Clothing and Equipment
Organizing a Hike
On the Trail
Overcoming Challenges
First Aid
The global hikes featured range from the Pacific Crest Trail
from California to Washington to the Inca Trail in The Andes,
Peru. Distance, Average Time to Complete, Accessibility and
Resources are included along with Karen Berger's observations
about the areas to explore.
"The trail passes through lowland temperate rainforest and
climbs an exposed alpine pass, then descends to sea level."
~ pg. 27
While the beginning of the book explores a more global hiking
lifestyle, the rest of the book is still practical for general
hiking information that can be used when you are hiking closer
to home or on a vacation. There is a wealth of information on
surviving temperature changes and layering and fabrics are
discussed in detail. The section on footwear will help you
select the right socks and shoes for a variety of weather
conditions. The "Packing Your Backpack" section shows
exactly how to arrange items so you avoid discomfort.

Super Deluxe Backpacking Picnic for Four
What to take with you? There are many chapters on essential
equipment. Everything from water bottles to specialist equipment
like insulating socks or traction devices for shoes. GPS systems
are analyzed and there are a number of checklists to make sure
nothing is forgotten, including how much food to take. A variety
of foods are discussed and may I say the Clif Bars are a tasty
idea. Navigation and map reading is discussed in detail and
interesting details like observing plants and the stars to find
your way makes the experience even more natural and challenging.
Predicting weather is a section that helps you stay safe and
additional safety advice (common ailments and medical
emergencies) explains when you should turn around and go back
due to extreme conditions or how to deal with medical problems.
Overall, this is one of the most helpful guides to hiking you
may ever find. It is detailed, thoughtful and the pictures are
~The Rebecca Review

Walk Away the Pounds
= 1, 2, 3 Walk away the Pounds
Reviewer: The Rebecca Review.com
Leslie is the “Queen of In-Home Walking.” This is
different than walking on a treadmill, but seems equally
effective. You can also walk any day of the year, rain or shine,
day or night. There are no limits.
Leslie travels all over the world promoting fitness and holds
six certificates from the American College of Sports Medicine.
She also owns Club Fitness and makes appearances on the QVC Home
Shopping Channel.
After trying a few of Leslie Sansone’s workouts, this has
been my favorite workout set. I like the way you can choose
between walking 1, 2 or 3 miles. If you start with the 1 mile
walk, you know you can do the second and then the third video.
The Three Videos:
Get Up and Get Started – 1
Mile. This video shows you all the basics for a brisk walk. You
start slow and work up to a nice pace, then there is a cool-down
and stretch.
High Calorie Burn – 2 Miles.
You will be so proud of yourself when you make it to the second
mile. This workout has a new level of intensity to incinerate
those calories. There is a warm-up and cool-down section. This
workout helps you create a smaller, tighter waistline, builds
strong muscles and bones, intensifies weight loss and works the
legs, chest, back and arms. (30 minutes)
Super Fat Burning – 3 Mile. I
loved this workout. It took me to new places because after this
workout, I really saw some good results in the stomach area. I
had to keep looking in the mirror to make sure it was true. This
workout firms the upper and lower body, improves coordination
and balance and boosts cardio strength. (47 minutes)
Since I’m not the queen of coordination, these workouts are
nice and easy although let me tell you, the third video is going
to really work you out! If you can stand in one place and move
forward, back and put your arms up and down, you can do this!
Therefore, this is really for anyone!
I highly recommend this set to anyone starting a new workout
program or for anyone who just wants to have a little fun with
their workouts. You just become one of the group and Leslie
creates a very friendly, accepting environment.
The use of weights really takes these videos to a new
At first I thought Leslie was just a little ball of energy
and her happiness level was pretty intense. But the more I did
the videos the more I realized how good it made me feel to be in
the presence of some positive energy, plus it gave me an added
boost of “I can do this.” The music also just keeps you
If you have a 5 x 7 space anywhere near a TV, these are
perfect. You don’t need a lot of room like many aerobic videos
Once you get used to the two and three mile workouts, you can
pass along the one mile to a friend and get them interested in
workout out too. I just send the one-mile workout to my aunt.
After using these tapes, I lost two pounds in the last week
and my husband thought I lost 10. Thank you Leslie! These
workouts really do tighten and tone you all over.
Workouts that add a smiley burst of energy to your day.
If you are on your couch, you better be looking out for
Leslie Sansone cause she is going to “come over and get you”
off that couch! At least that is what she says in the video! ;)

Deluxe Walk

Leslie Sansone Firm Up Fast Exercises
Invigorating Challenge, April 4, 2007
Leslie Sansone's Firm Up Fast Walk begins with a short walking
warm-up and then moves quickly into an invigorating series of
standing exercises that focus on the thighs and arms. The
routine then moves into a mat workout where you test your
endurance with leg lifts to workout the inner and outer thighs.
Leslie's teaching style is very professional and she keeps you
on track with precise movements to encourage faster results in
the least amount of time. Overall, this is an excellent workout
with adequate warm-up time if you are used to working out or
lead a fairly active lifestyle or you have been walking around
during the day. If you go right into this workout from sitting
at the computer, you may want to do 10 minutes of walking or
just start walking while Leslie talks you through the first
section of the explanations. What I like most about this DVD is
the fact that Leslie keeps you focused and also gives you enough
repetitions to really workout your abs, thighs and arms. Instead
of just walking, you are using weights and your own body weight
to increase muscle tone and that helps you burn more calories
over time.
If you enjoy this workout, you may want to look into the Leslie
Sansone "You Can Do" Yoga, Pilates and Abs workouts. I
think you will enjoy her teaching style on all of these DVDs. If
you are new to Leslie's workouts, she has them set up so you can
start at 1 mile and work your way to a 4-mile challenge.
~The Rebecca Review

Gaiam Get Moving Walking for Weight Loss
Energizing Fitness Walk, March 11, 2007
Madeleine Lewis presents three ten-minute segments of
walking/strength training and one ten-minute segment of
stretching. The walking is creative enough to keep your
attention and the choreography is fairly easy to learn. The
workout is designed to take you from a warm-up to a fast-paced
walk to a relaxing cool-down.
The entire forty minutes works well as a complete workout where
you don't need to walk or bike before beginning the exercises.
This is fairly low impact and even the reverse lunges are
interesting because they are not static, but free flowing and
Madeleine Lewis' professional style and motivational cueing
makes this highly enjoyable. There are also three levels to
choose, so you can follow Madeleine or try some of the more
advanced moves like jumping instead of just walking during
various segments.
You can add weights to increase the challenge while doing lower
body exercises. There are a few upper body exercises, but mostly
this focuses on low-impact aerobics and lower body strength
~The Rebecca Review