As a child I saw many movies about
hell and decided it was not a place I ever wanted to be in for
eternity. Bill Wiese claims he not only saw images of hell, but
that he experienced it physically and emotionally for 23
Can you go to hell and live to tell about it?
Do children go to hell?
Will good people only go to heaven?
Are there demons in hell?
Is hell a real place with real fire?
Will you remember your life on earth while in hell?
Bill Wiese answers all these questions and also backs up his own
experience with biblical references. His story is convincing and
told from the perspective of someone who was placed in a
position of extreme stress and vulnerability. He describes his
23 minutes in detail and in a very convincing manner. Dreams can
be very vivid and so at the start you have to either believe
this is true or decide it isn't something you are willing to
In the first third of the book he explains his horrifying
experience of being in hell and then in the second section he
talks about near death experiences and why there is hope for
anyone who wants to avoid going to hell after they die. In the
third section he focuses on verses from the Bible to give a more
complete view of hell.
The thoughts in this book are somewhat sobering and the idea of
spending eternity in a state of emotional distress and physical
pain is more than enough motivation to try to find a way not to
duplicate Bill Wiese's experience. Fortunately he does provide a
message of hope and explains how Jesus Christ is the answer and
the Savior of the soul.
~The Rebecca Review

A Divine Revelation of Hell
Truly Terrifying and Awakening - Christian Horror that
is Real, May 8, 2016
It seems the new modern
thing is to be taken to heaven or hell and to report about the
experience. This is a far earlier report than most books I've
read. This journey to hell began in 1976 and lasted for 30 days.
There is nothing as terrifying to a Christian and Unbeliever
than to be told that your soul could still end up in a place of
never ending fire, excruciating pain, eternal sorrow and
relentless regret. Not to mention the memories of everyone who
ever tried to save you from hell going through your mind.
In this book a point is made that I think is not well understood
and not always substantiated clearly by scripture. That you
could lose your salvation if you turn back to a life of sin.
This book indicates that you should repent as much as possible
and keep the slate clean with God so you are ready to enter
heaven at any time. Reading this book will make you evaluate
some of the pet sins in your life that need to finally go. Let
nothing stand between you and heaven. Do you struggle with
unforgiveness...after reading this book you no longer will. It
is not worth and eternity of suffering. Anger, jealousy, hate,
etc must all go too as they can lead to much larger sins like
murder or suicide.
The message of this book is loud and clear: "DO NOT DIE IN
YOUR SINS." Whether Christian or unsaved, the message is
the same.
And for Christians who know the truth and go against the truth,
things are apparently much worse in hell. Rebellion against God
is sure to land you there. Or even neglect like not reading your
Bible so you are hindered in becoming a better person who wants
to do the will of God.
Reading this book is a very sobering experience and has changed
my life for the better. They say the fear of God is the
beginning of wisdom. By reading this book you will also realize
that the reason you may be having trouble with various sins and
temptations is because satan really still believes he can get
your soul. You will realize that the forces of evil may still be
able to cause you to go to hell unless you are diligent and
follow the Bible or are at least repenting each time you sin. To
not sin at all would be the goal. To do the will of the Father
as Jesus says, is what you should strive for.
I hope you will take this book seriously even though it reads
like Christian horror. If hell is this bad you don't want to go
there and you don't want to not warn everyone you can. So
believe in Jesus and repent of your sins. Search your soul for
anything that could keep you out of heaven. Christians who are
saved but go back to a life of sin may not realize that they are
headed for hell. This was the shocking information in this book.
This is a book I will eventually buy for some of my friends who
don't take hell seriously.
~The Rebecca Review

Whatever Happened to Hell
Sobering Information about a Final Destination, August
26, 2015
Since the soul has been
proven to survive bodily death it is imperative that each human
make a decision as to where their soul will go after death.
Reading books on heaven and hell is essential if you want to
know what happens to people when their immortal soul enters
eternity. The truth is most people spend more time planning
their vacations than they do planning their eternal final
destination. Why this neglect? So the truth is no one has too
little time to read this book.
John Blanchard believes that "Hell is the ultimate
horror." Yes, it is difficult to read a book about souls
suffering for eternity. But someone has to talk about it to warn
us of the reality. And if Jesus is to be believed at all then it
is definitely a reality you want to avoid.
This is perhaps the most sobering and riveting book I've ever
read. It also answers a lot of questions like whether or not
souls sleep, whether or not there is a purgatory or whether
there is the possibility of reincarnation.
I recently had a dream about my deceased brother who said in the
dream: "I don't know if I'm in heaven or hell?" So I
was wondering whether there was some place between the two. This
book rules out that notion pretty quickly.
Since we all have an appointment with death and we don't know
how long we are going to live it is necessary to read books on
eternity. This book presents the bad choice - an eternity of
suffering. However there is hope at the end of the book and a
chapter dedicated to telling you how you can escape hell and go
to heaven.
I recommend you read this book as soon as possible. Your
eternity could depend on it.
~The Rebecca Review
I received one book for review purposes. This review is my
honest opinion.

Heaven and Hell
A Terrifying Trip to the Lake
of Fire
Dr. Michael H. Yeager has had
many things happen to him. He has had very realistic dreams, visions
and a trip to hell and heaven. This book will interest people who
haven't read about a horrifying trip to the lake of fire. It is much
worse than most books on hell. Dr. Michael H. Yeager claims that he
went to the lake of fire in 1975 after asking God for the
experience. So he did not actually have a real near-death
experience. It seems this was more of an out-of-body experience. To
be honest this book is quite sobering and the author desperately
urges the reader to listen and learn from his terrible encounter.
One of the interesting aspects of this book was the section on the
last words of people going to hell, who saw their fate before they
died. The heaven trip in this book is very short and doesn't
describe heaven completely. For books on heaven: see link

to Go to Heaven!
and DVDs on Heaven