Visions of the Paradise of God, July 23,
When dreaming of heaven the imagination
really can run wild. While reading this book I was not always
sure that I was reading reality, some of it felt like a fantasy.
On the other hand this story sounded very appealing and if the
heavenly domain is this beautiful, I definitely want to go
This book focuses on how vast heaven is and also discusses the
ideas and thoughts of many biblical characters. I kept thinking:
"What are the chances that someone would visit with all
these famous Bible characters all in one near-death
experience?" Some other things I wondered about was all the
singing, eating of fruit and "ecstasies of eternal
joy." The emotions felt by the characters seemed realistic.
Traveling by chariots also sounded fun, especially given the
scenery described.
I don't think any other book will prepare you for what you read
in this one. It is extensive. What this book taught me mostly
was that any sacrifice on earth is worth the glories of heaven.
I enjoyed reading about the abundance of foods but would have
liked the author to have discussed what foods they actually
were, besides fruit.
What is a bit surprising is how anyone could remember all the
detailed conversations they had with the people they met in
heaven. It seems like this would only be possible if Seneca Sodi
had a photographic mind. So my suggestion is to read this like
it is a fantasy and hope it is true.
~The Rebecca Review

Inside the Gates of Heaven
Descriptions of Heaven, April 5, 2016
Oden Hetrick's family seems
especially blessed. His mother had a near-death experience and
some of his children also were able to visit heaven. What this
book reveals is mostly Oden Hetrick's visits to heaven. He takes
the reader on a tour of the heavenly city and explains how
people have mansions there.
There is also information in this book about streets of gold,
fruit trees, a river and what God really looks like. It is
beyond fascinating for anyone who looks forward to heaven but
hasn't thought a lot about what to expect. I wish the author had
gone into more detail about companions in heaven. That seems
very romantic although before I read this book I thought no one
was supposed to be married in heaven. So you will have to decide
for yourself if you will accept this information.
The experiences in this book can't really be proven but they are
intriguing. If you take the stories for what they are they will
leave you longing for heaven and to see Jesus. As far as books
on heaven go this is the ultimate experience.
~The Rebecca Review

Imagine Heaven
Comforting and Mind Expanding Details, November
11, 2015
"Imagine Heaven"
has some of the most gorgeous descriptions of heaven I've ever
read and I've read a lot of near-death experience books. John
Burke has really gone beyond the call of duty and carefully
explores claims of seeing heaven.
I loved how he explained near-death experiences in the light of
scripture. Suddenly biblical descriptions of heaven made so much
more sense. This book promotes the idea that consciousness does
not end with physical death. There is a place of joy, love and
peace which is so wonderful anyone who reads this book will want
to go there.
In this book you will learn things like what God really looks
like, what God's voice sounds like and what heaven looks like in
detail. I learned a lot of new things not discussed in other
near-death experience books. The book opened my eyes to the
glories of heaven.
What was also interesting is how people in various cultures
explain what they have seen. People see some of the same things
but interpret them differently.
It was sobering to read that in heaven there are libraries and
each of us has a book with all our life recorded in it. This
definitely will encourage people to live a good life.
To me heaven sounds fantastic. This book gives you a vision of
heaven which is unmatched in other books I've read. You will
also find out what color eyes Jesus has and what his voice
sounds like.
~The Rebecca Review

Stories About Heaven
The Ultimate Reality - 100 Stars!, November
7, 2016
"His mind seemed to
have become part of God's mind."
If you love near-death experience stories or stories of people
who were invited to tour heaven and hell this book is an
incredible experience. Just when I think I've discovered the
best book on heaven, an even more detailed and intricate story
is told. This book has to be one of the best explanations of
what to expect in heaven that has ever been written. I've read a
lot of stories but these were more detailed and utterly
fascinating. I was compelled to read page after page of stories
that felt so real it was like the ultimate reality.
All except one of these stories have truth about them that makes
them believable. I guess the story that did not feel right was
the one where the experiencer was told he could do no wrong. Now
I don't know if that meant he could do no wrong in heaven or on
earth. Some stories indicate that we sometimes are not doing
enough right on earth. Worship, Bible reading, prayer,
evangelism and tithing are emphasized in some stories as ways to
build wealth and property in heaven. God apparently makes us a
partner in building our heavenly homes. This was interesting and
encouraging and will help people find motivation to do God's
Some of the stories are really short and one feels incomplete as
you don't find out why one person is not let into heaven. I
would have liked to read a better conclusion. Some people end up
in hell first and heaven second. One story the person alternates
between a negative and positive experience for some reason. But
most of the stories are really exciting, edge of your seat
adventures into the unknown.
So if you've been asking what is on the other side you will
learn things like there is a place where God keeps all our
tears, dogs can be found playing with people in heaven and Jesus
even has a horse. Some of the stories are of adults and others
of children. Apparently there are people of all ages in heaven.
What I also enjoyed about this book was the descriptions of
angels and that their wings make music as they fly. Heaven is
also filled with beautiful singing that people say is
indescribably beautiful.
As a collection of stories from 1850-2010 you are not going to
find another book this detailed. It is truly amazing. This book
will go down in history as being one of the most beautiful books
on heaven ever written.
~The Rebecca Review

A Divine Revelation of Heaven
Heaven - Why you want to go there!, May 19,
Do you want to spend
eternity in heaven? After reading Mary Baxter's book on hell, my
answer is an enthusiastic yes! So what is heaven like and what
will people do there? This book describes people worshiping and
praising God but does not go into as much detail as I would have
expected. Other books like Inside
the Gates of Heaven are much more detailed in that regard
and describe much more about heaven than this book does. However
I still enjoyed reading about the rooms where tears are
collected and there is a lot more in this book about what angels
do in heaven.
I felt this was a positive and encouraging account of what goes
on in heaven, especially in regards to the details of what goes
on around God's throne. Mary Baxter intersperses her heavenly
observations with relevant Bible verses. Her descriptions of
heaven are the same as other detailed accounts I've read so I
think this book can be trusted. When so many people see exactly
the same a river and fruit trees and rainbows and
the list goes on. Heaven really does sound gloriously beautiful.
This book also answers questions like what happens to babies and
children when they die. Some of the information like how God
creates an adult out of a child - I've never read that anywhere
before. God works miracles even in heaven.
The reason I enjoyed this book is because Mary Baxter pays so
much attention to the details. Even angel wings become magical
with her descriptions.
There is also a description of a vision Mary has which shows
Jesus returning in the sky.
So there is a lot to enjoy in this book and it will make you
long for heaven.
~The Rebecca Review

Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations
Amazing Stories of Heavenly Visits, April 9,
If you read a lot of books
on heaven and near-death experiences you will really enjoy this
book. It has some of the most detailed descriptions of Jesus and
heaven that I've ever read. God must really love us to be taking
more and more people to heaven so they can return as living
witnesses of the glory of God and heaven. The people who have
been to hell and heaven in this book really do have some
interesting and insightful things to say.
Dean's visit to heaven is highly detailed and I learned some
things I didn't know before. This also contains multicultural
stories like the one about a slave to a Bedouin tribe being
taken to heaven by Jesus. Some of the people in this book
literally cried out to God and were taken to heaven as a result.
Some of the things I learned include that there are libraries in
heaven with books about each of our lives. One person explains
how we each have two angels, which I suspected was true before I
read this book. It was good to read that there are no language
barriers in heaven. And who knew that God sings to us in heaven?
What I think I enjoyed most about this book was the way the
stories were told and the incredible powers of description in
each story. Heaven really does come alive in your mind when you
read this book.
One thing I did notice was that one of the stories was much
shorter than I'd read before. It was also edited better and made
more sense.
So I'd say this is in the top 10 of books on heaven you should
read in this lifetime. I really enjoyed it. From what I've read
before the stories sounded true to me.
~The Rebecca Review
DVDs About Heaven

Evidence of Heaven DVD
Absolutely Fascinating and Completely Captivating, June
1, 2016
there a spiritual realm that we go to after we die and what is it
like? Well this DVD is very well made and will make even the most
confirmed skeptic rethink his/her beliefs. Most people today
actually do believe in life after death and I think in the past
people did too. Eternity is really written on our hearts and we have
a desire to live beyond this temporary existence.
This DVD explores evidence that the soul survives bodily death. All
the major players are interviewed here. You may have read their
books as I have. Even some skeptics are interviewed so you can see
what their opinion on the matter is.
Since our time on earth is short it is essential we know where we
are going. As this documentary concludes we are made aware that it
is our choice to enter either eternity with God or eternal
separation from him. This DVD does not however go into details about
what heaven will be like or what hell will be like. This focuses
mostly on a number of well documented near-death experiences.
I am going to send this to my atheist friend and I hope he will be
convinced that something happens after death. I so want my friends
to be in heaven with me in the future. If you know someone who would
be open to watching a very well done documentary I can recommend
this to them. For me, I hardly wrote a thing down while watching it,
it was that completely captivating.
~The Rebecca Review

Heaven Our Eternal Home DVD
A Glimpse of the Beyond, May 19, 2016
is no greater topic to discuss than eternity since you will be
spending all your time there after you die. The deal is that you
alone and only you can determine where you want to go. This
documentary is divided into three sections: Revelation, Hell,
Heaven. It discusses hell in a way that you'd never want to go there
- no hope or love. It discusses heaven in a way that makes you feel
elated and excited to go there - joy, comfort and hope. The music
also creates such a longing for heaven near the end. I felt this was
very well done and the facts are based on biblical references. I
hope you will watch this and choose heaven as your eternal home.
After watching this I'm buying a copy for a friend. This makes a
perfect "eternal" gift.
~The Rebecca Review

My Hope America: Billy Graham
Comforting Message, August 10, 2015
just watched this excellent message that brings hope to the world.
Billy Graham really explains why people find the cross offensive and
why Jesus had to die in the first place. This is a very emotional
presentation which will make you think more deeply about life and
eternity. I always tell people that they should plan their eternity
as well as their last vacation. It really is so much more important
to know what is going to happen to you when you die. Now I will
recommend this DVD to everyone who seems open to watching it. So
often I meet people who have been on the brink of death. We really
don't know when we will die so it is best to be ready. Watch this
DVD and share it with your friends. What could be more important
than telling someone you know how they can live eternally in heaven?
~The Rebecca Review
Book about Angels

Angels Among Us - Chicken Soup for the Soul
Amazing Stories of Angelic Intervention, July 7,
Among Us" is one of the best books I've ever read and I've read
thousands of books over the past 15 years. This book is filled with
amazing stories of angelic interventions. Just when people needed an
angel most one appeared. What I loved most was the poignant moments
of realization the authors experience.
It is difficult to stop reading the stories because each one is
better than the last. Some stories give you chills and some make you
feel like you are close to tears as they are so beautiful. These are
very short stories (two to three pages) but they have a big impact.
Some of the stories will awaken your sense of wonder.
By reading this book you will realize that you are protected and
loved. Each story is just long enough to tell the complete story but
short enough to keep your full attention. You may especially be
amazed by the stories of animal angels. There are also some stories
of ghosts.
You couldn't make up these stories even if you tried. As someone who
believes in angels I must say I could relate to the stories. An
angel once saved me from drowning as a child at a beach in Africa so
I believe.
~The Rebecca Review
to Get to Heaven!