Completely Fascinating and Realistic, August
20, 2009
"We are not creatures of circumstance, we are
creators." ~ Sarah J. Farmer
I think we can all agree that everything we create in the world
begins with a thought. Isn't that how God created the universe
in the first place? I've always wondered how long God thought
about the world before he created it. If he had "only"
thought about it would it exist? The fact is that it wouldn't.
At some point God seems to have decided to put his thoughts into
action. In our world today it also seems that some action is
required to make money. After all, every website you see was
once just a thought. From my own experience I can say that
building a website also takes a great deal of work. This book
reveals what it missing from "The Secret." Mainly that
action IS required.
If you have read "The Secret" then this book will be
completely fascinating although Karen Kelly has a much more
realistic view of life. She goes as far as to tell the reader to
"tear up your affirmations." I think this is not the
best advice since affirmations give you the confidence to make
your dreams a reality.
While this book is even more interesting than "The
Secret" it does divulge some controversial information.
This is especially true when discussing quantum physics and how
it relates to consciousness.
What I liked most about this book is how Karen Kelly examines
the phenomenon of "The Secret" and also presents her
own research about those who were quoted in the book. To say
this book was well researched is an understatement. I loved how
Karen Kelly traced the ideas in "The Secret" to their
It seems in life we can decide to live in poverty, survive
fairly well or attain incredible wealth. I'm personally not sure
we should want wealth just for selfish reasons. It does however
seem fine to want wealth so we can be a good influence or help
people in need. I think we have to remember that the
"love" of money is the root of evil. From what I have
read it is not evil to possess great wealth. If you read about
the life of Mother Teresa (who lived in poverty all her life),
even she drew great wealth to herself (in the form of donations
from all over the world) and helped hundreds of thousands of
people. She didn't use the money for herself but instead
basically gave it all to the poor. So I think there is a lesson
to be learned from her life.
One of the hurdles I found with "The Secret" is that I
didn't think I deserved to make a lot of money. I also didn't
have any good ideas on how to make more money until after I
started to read books by Napoleon Hill. While reading his books
I received an idea that could make me money. So if you are going
to read books like "The Secret" also read books that
can actually make your dreams a reality. Perhaps this book will
show you what is missing from "The Secret." In the
end, the law of attraction seems to work for the person who also
takes action.
~The Rebecca Review

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life, September
27, 2008
"When you emit the perfect frequency of what you want, the
perfect people, circumstances and events will be attracted to
you and delivered!" ~ pg. 163
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, except
"The Secret" can be tested in your own life to see if
it is valid and true. As I read this intriguing book I started
to notice why I was successful in some areas of my life and not
in others. What I've been thinking is truly the reality I've
created for myself.
For years I've been able to manifest free books and my thoughts
about receiving free books was constant until I had over 200
books to review and realized I didn't need as many. The minute I
changed my thinking I had less offers and less books appeared.
The only thing is, I had to write the first review.
As Bob Doyle says in this book: "Action will sometimes be
required." This book almost seems to have a missing
chapter, the one where the author explains the hard work most
people have to do to see their dreams realized. Very few people
will probably see their dreams materialize unless they take some
initial action. You should not only imagine your future but also
take steps in the direction of your dreams.
Can you really think your way thin? This book claims you can. I
tried putting up pictures on my mirror to inspire weight loss
and I did lose 25 lbs but this was mostly because I also
"literally took steps" by walking one hour a day. If I
had only sat around imagining that I was thinner I doubt it
would have worked. It also took me over 30 years to produce a
cookbook, it didn't magically appear although I thought about it
every day. I still had to do the hard work of testing the
recipes and writing the instructions. Some of the authors in
this book claim to have great riches and neglect to tell you
that they also had to do the hard work of writing their books.
I think this book works differently for each person. I have been
able to manifest books, an amazing best friend (OK, I also
prayed about this one), items that magically appear in the mail
(answers to questions I had). So in some way "The
Secret" is working in my life on a small scale. I still
haven't been able to manifest my ideal house or a car.
At times this book is overly materialistic. Do you really need a
new car and all the car payments that come with it? Will a car
magically appear just because you wish for one? This book claims
that the Universe is a "genie" and it will give you
everything you want. (In my own experience, praying to God is
more effective than asking the universe for what I want.)
I won't spoil the book for you by telling you the three main
things you have to do to see your dreams appear in reality. They
are relatively easy and it only takes a small amount of effort -
mostly training your mind to think positively.
While for the most part, this book shies away from religion it
does go a little far by saying we are all God in human form (A
very New Age belief). According to the Bible we are created in
God's image. There also is nothing about 9/11 or Katrina in this
book. In fact this book claims that negative thoughts are not as
powerful as positive thoughts.
So if you want to try out extreme positive thinking and you are
willing to "be your own experiment" I can recommend
this book to you. I've seen some of the principles work in my
own life so many of the ideas are true and testable.
You may also want to read: Keys
to Positive Thinking by Michael J. Ritt. This book also
promotes visualization and promotes putting pictures of things
you want up on the wall.
~The Rebecca Review

The Science of Getting Rich
More Practical than "The Secret", September
3, 2009
"By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by
action you receive." ~ pg. 39
If you want to know the philosophy behind The
Secret then you might enjoy reading "The Science of
Wallace D. Wattles." He is much more practical and
indicates that you should change your thinking but also change
your actions. Action is definitely required to achieve health
and wealth. If you are interested in becoming a great person
then the final chapters of this book indicate a way to achieve
such a dream.
At first Wallace D. Wattles keeps talking about how you have to
"act and think in a certain way" in order to achieve
wealth. He spends very little time actually explaining how to
act in this way but does explain that you should have a sense of
gratitude. Basically his message is "how you think is what
you become." This applies to health, wealth and becoming
What good is money if you are not also healthy? The second
section of this book explains how we all have a healing power
within ourselves that can be activated by belief. Wallace D.
Wattles believed that it was not the medicine that made you well
but the faith you had in the remedy that produced the cure.
While this book has a lot of good ideas about positive thinking
there are a few things I didn't agree with. One was the author's
idea about not eating breakfast. Instead he says to wait until
you feel hungry. Not eating breakfast goes against current
wisdom on the matter. In fact most dieticians say breakfast is
the most important meal of the day.
The second idea I found almost unbelievable was Wallace D.
Wattles idea that there is nothing wrong with the world, that
everything is as it should be. I also think it is very naïve to
say that there is no evil in the world. While Wallace D. Wattles
believed in God, he also seems to have believed in evolution. So
basically those are some of the things I disagreed with.
"There are altogether too many people who are trying to
make something of themselves by reading books without thinking;
all such will fail. You are not mentally developed by what you
read, but by what you think about what you read." ~ pg. 142
I personally don't know how you would even begin to read without
thinking but the quote sounds good. I can only recommend this
book to anyone who is willing to put the ideas in this book to
the test. Many of the ideas seem very New Age for the time in
which they were written and if you have read "The
Secret" this book will intrigue you. The only real problem
with this book is that it needed some editing. If you can
overlook that aspect you can still enjoy this book.
~The Rebecca Review

Secrets of Attraction
Consciously Create Your Ideal Relationship, September
8, 2009
"Your destiny is directly linked to your energy, and your
energy is largely determined by the resonance of your
attitude." ~ pg. 27
If you have read The
Secret then you will know all about the "law of
attraction." In "Secrets of Attraction" Sandra
Anne Taylor takes this idea a few steps further and describes
the law of pure desire, the law of harmony and the law of
magnetism (that which you focus on expands). She fully explains
how your thoughts are creating your destiny and perhaps even
stopping you from finding the relationship of your dreams.
"You must inundate yourself with healthy, compassionate and
encouraging self-talk every day." ~ pg. 73
Sandra Anne Taylor believes that "love is energy."
While reading this book I had the idea that happiness is when
you feel love's energy radiating from your soul. If happiness is
what you are after then this book has a few positive ways that
can be achieved. If you think you can only be happy if you are
in a relationship then this book explains how you can use proven
laws to find a healthy relationship.
If you are in a relationship that is abusive and you are trying
everything you can to make it work then it might be helpful to
realize that you attracted this type of relationship into your
life at a time when you and the person you love were vibrating
at the same frequency. Perhaps you were both depressed when you
met but now you are using affirmations to make your life better
and they are still stuck in negative thinking. If you still want
to create happiness in your life you have to forgive yourself
for the past and embrace the future with an even more positive
To create the life of your dreams, Sandra Anne Taylor shows you
how to eradicate disempowering thoughts. Her affirmations are
excellent, however she encourages you to make up at least 50 of
your own. You then saturate your consciousness with these new
positive thoughts to reap amazing results.
For the most part I found this book to be very motivating and
felt healed by the reading experience. This book is beautifully
written from the heart. I think this book will be most helpful
to anyone seeking a new relationship but there is a chance that
the ideas in this book could bring renewal to old relationships.
~The Rebecca Review

in Amazing Ways, September 18, 2006
For those of us who always thought we had to "work
hard" to realize our desires and dreams, getting "in
the flow" can be fun and exciting. You don't have to call
people anymore, they call you! You don't have to chase
customers, they come to you! ~Connie Domino
I have to say that the results I achieved from reading Develop
Irresistible Attraction were immediate and stunning. I had
hardly made it to page 39, when a check arrived from an unlikely
source. I am sure God has a sense of humor and enjoys delighting
us with surprises, but this was almost too coincidental.
Connie Domino's workshops are so popular, participants asked her
to write a book. Numerous success stories show how this system
has worked for people who have released roadblocks and embraced
Connie Domino's curiosity led her to discover a formula for
success. There are only five steps and through a short process
of evaluation you remove psychological roadblocks. She shows how
the mind is a powerful instrument and how love is the energy and
belief the vehicle for manifestation.
Specific things I learned:
How to rework a motivational sentence to produce positive
Why my biggest fault may be my greatest asset.
How I can break free from destructive patterns.
Why limiting beliefs must be eradicated to achieve success.
How to write my life into existence and develop a plan for
unlimited potential.
Develop Irresistible Attraction is a book you will start to
live. By reading this book you will enter a world of possibility
and realize the sheer power of your own mind. Imagine
visualizing your dream life and then finding yourself living
your dream. With the information in this book, you can start to
manifest new relationships, a new career or even positive
changes in your health.
~The Rebecca Review

The Answer
Unlimited Abundance, September 16, 2009
"The secret to success lies in controlling our
thoughts." ~ pg. 2
John Assaraf and Murray Smith have either been especially lucky
or visualization, vision boards, goal setting, meditation and
hard work have really paid off. Both authors now run a coaching
company and this book is the result of hundreds of interviews
with successful people.
While Murray Smith presents some intriguing case studies, John
Assaraf takes complex ideas and makes them instantly
understandable. Both authors explain their points with a sense
of clarity which makes this book a pleasure to read.
You will fully understand "the law of attraction" and
how it applies to real life. I like that in this book you are
not only told to use your imagination, the authors also emphasis
"the law of action." This is sometimes missing from
other books and is essential to your success.
"The Answer" is probably most helpful to those with a
business idea or those who are already in business but want to
expand their operations. Throughout the book there are questions
to answer and having a journal handy while reading this book is
a good option.
If you have a passion for what you are currently doing then this
book can help you manifest a more pleasing reality.
~The Rebecca Review