You might want to keep all the jam you make, it is that good! But, if you
are feeling kind, this will make 12-4ounce jars. We use the Kerr Decorated
Jam & Jelly Jars. MCP Pectin works very well and you can use the whole
2-ounce box. This is the first time I made jam on my own and it was so easy!
2 cups hulled strawberries
3 kiwifruit, cut in half and pulp scooped out with a spoon
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon lime juice
3/4 cup water
1 (2-ounce) box MCP Pectin
1. Bring water to boil in a stockpot.
Puree strawberries in a blender, then pour into a large
glass bowl. Take out a spatula to stir in the other
ingredients we will be adding.
Puree the kiwifruit, add to the strawberries. You can
strain them if you prefer. I like to strain them that is
why they are pureed separately.
Stir in the sugar and lime juice. Set your timer for
15 minutes. Stir the fruit now and then.
Remove the stockpot from the heat and put in
all the jam jars and lids. Then, place them out
on the counter so they are ready to fill.
After 15 minutes, heat 3/4 cup water to boiling
and then add the pectin. Heat for about 1 minute.
Pour the pectin syrup into the fruit and stir for
a full 3 minutes.
Ladle the jam into the jars and seal tightly. Let
the filled jars sit out overnight on the counter
until set. Then, refrigerate up to 3 weeks
or freeze for up to 6 months if it lasts that long!
Makes 12-4 ounce Jars that are perfect as gifts
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