Miles of Smiles
“The grand essentials of
happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something
to hope for.” –Allan K. Chamlers
Michael Gray is the owner and founder of Stage of Life
Publications and author of the concept called: Smilosophy. He
lives in Shreveport, Lousiana and publishes a website and free
electronic bi-monthly newsletter at
Mr. Gray has also written several articles for various
publications and definitely seems to have found many things in
life to smile about. His daughter Amie is very fortunate to have
such a positive role model for a father.
In this beautiful golden book, Michael Gray discusses a
variety of smiles and in twelve chapters:
The Universal Language
The Smile Zone
Sacred Smiles
Illusions of a Smile
The Insatiable Smile
Smile for Your Health
Famous Smiles
Smilosphies for Life
The Birth of Smiley
100 Things to Smile About
Have a Nice Day
Throughout these chapters, the author weaves quotes and songs
between his own writing. He draws on inspiration from “The
Velveteen Rabbit,” “Simple Things” by Jim Brickman, “The
Prayer of Jebez” by Bruce Wilkinson, and “The Power of
Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale.
You will also find a list of recommended web sites, a list of
things to smile about and a list of acronyms and emoticons he
calls the “hieroglyphics” of the new millennium. There are
some interesting ideas for how you can overcome depression and
scientific information on how a smile can actually cool your
I found out what all the cyber-smiles mean and which ones to
use and not to use. While I had been using ;->, I should have
been using :-> or ;-). I especially loved all the quotes in
the Smilosophies For Life chapter.
A useful little book to help you develop your own "Smilosophy."
There are a few pages in the back of the book for you to write
your own thoughts.
~The Rebecca Review

"It has been said that it takes 43
muscles to frown, but only
17 muscles to smile and that makes it 2.5 times easier to
smile." ~Michael D. Gray