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Secrets of Emotional Healing


Good Medicine


Wise Recollections from a Life Lived with Compassion, December 14, 2006

Pema Chödrön believes we learn true compassion when we open our hearts and minds to a relationship with our own pain. This opens a doorway for compassion to be shown to others and can foster conflict resolution in situations that seemed impossible before learning "Tonglen."

"Difficulty as a way to achieve enlightenment" sounds quite correct and pain in life is almost inescapable. There are ways to lessen the pain of life when learning lessons and the faster we learn, the less emotional pain we may experience.

What is it that people truly learn from meditation? In this CD set we learn to make friends with ourselves, in order to learn true happiness. As we realize transitory elements of life do not bring long-term satisfaction, we enter a place where we transmute pain into love. Many artists find this healing and you can also learn to take negative experiences and mold them into a spiritually healing experience. It depends on how you look at your life in general.

The CD Set includes discussions about breathing techniques, meditation, tonglen practice, compassion, open-heartedness and the practice of mindfulness. An interesting discussion on "maitri" as the root of happiness is enlightening. The second CD guides you through a tonglen session and explores true stories of how tonglen helped people in everyday life.

Pema Chödrön shows you how to use your experiences to learn compassion towards others. She has a delicate and humorous repoire with her audience, making this CD set very enjoyable to listen to as she teaches you principles for enhancing your life with Tonglen Meditation.

~The Rebecca Review


Secrets of Emotional Healing (Secrets...


5 out of 5 stars =    Tiny Books with Timeless Secrets

Reviewer: The Rebecca Review.com

If you are a fan of tiny books filled with wisdom, you will love the “Secrets Series.” Each book is beautifully illustrated and has “31” thoughts/quotes. The idea is to read a selection and then read it again at various points during the day until it is absorbed into your subconscious.

“Secrets of Emotional Healing,” deals with how to overcome anger, anxiety, depression, discouragement, loneliness, unkindness, hurt feelings, cynicism, bitterness, dependence on others, discontentment, doubt, mental dullness, fearfulness, feelings of guilt, greed, irritation, negativity, insecurity, jealousy, conceit, resentment, self-pity, low self-esteem, fear of failure and fear of death.

My favorite quote on day five is:

“The secret of overcoming depression is to affirm mentally, ‘I am not my moods, and I am not subject to the moods of others. I am ruler in my kingdom of thoughts and feelings!’ In everything you do, strive to be a cause, not an effect.”

When put into practice, this “seed of thought” can become a rather powerful and stabilizing force. Words contain a power and unfortunately many of us talk to ourselves in a way that brings negative results. This book has already helped me to think more positively. It provides a sense of freedom from those controlling thoughts with which our minds try to destroy us.

If you feel that you need to incorporate more positive thinking patterns into your day, this is a beautiful gift to yourself. I also think this would be quite a thoughtful gift for a friend or relative who is attempting to overcome negative thought patterns.

Keep this tiny book in your pocket and when you feel a negative emotion trying to control you, look up the specific “secret” and repeat it to yourself until you break free from the chains of your negative thinking.

The secrets to breaking free from emotional turmoil.


Affirmations for Self Healing


5 out of 5 stars =    Comforting Affirmations

Reviewer: The Rebecca Review.com

An affirmation is a statement of truth which one aspires to absorb into his life. It has been said that we are what we eat. It would be truer to say, “We are what we think.” ~J. Donald Walters

Affirmations can heal your mind and body. Since 1948, J. Donald Walters has been studying and practicing the ancient science of concentration and meditation known as Raja Yoga. You do not have to actually practice Yoga in order to enjoy or benefit from his knowledge. You may enjoy the affirmation and not say the prayers (To Cosmic Energy, God, Divine Mother, Spirit, Lord, Heavenly Father) or just enjoy reading the passage on the left explaining the fifty-two basic subjects. You can take what you need from this book and enhance your life. You could adapt the prayers to your own religious beliefs.

Within this tiny book you will find a passage, an affirmation and a prayer for: Success, Energy, Immortality, Humility, Sharing, Consideration for Others, Inspiration, Joy, Discrimination, Humor, Truthfulness, Happiness, Forgiveness, Courage, Non-attachment, Self-confidence, Acceptance, Positive Thinking, Love, Service, Work, Contentment, Introspection, Calmness, Wisdom, Concentration, Security, Self-control, Will Power, Generosity, Awareness, Moral Vigor, Willingness, Patience, Renunciation, Enthusiasm, Devotion, Openness, Even-Mindedness, Self-expansion, Power, Income, Good Health, Peace of Mind, Perseverance, Practicality, Gratitude, Kindness, Alertness, Non-injury, God-Remembrance, High-Mindedness.

I especially enjoyed reading the topic of “Acceptance.” Here we learn that this is one of the most difficult lessons in life and the author explains how we waste so much energy wishing our lives were different. He explains how we can accept what comes into our lives as coming from God.

The Affirmation: “I accept with calm impartiality whatever comes my way. Free in my heart, I am not conditioned by any outward circumstance.”

I also enjoyed reading the section on “Immortality” and thinking of myself as a “child of eternity.” When you think of death as being a change and not an “end” it does not seem as frightening unless you are still wondering where your soul will end up.

The section on “Joy” and “Happiness” is enlightening and very true.

J. Donald Walters believes in affirmations which are repeated with deep concentration. The words are then carried into the subconscious and can change us on levels of the mind in which we have little conscious control.

To heal yourself, you may have to set your inner conflicts in order and start to think differently about your life.

I have also enjoyed reading: “Secrets of Emotional Healing” by the same author.

“Affirmations for Self-Healing” is a book to keep on your bedside table to read in quiet moments of reflection perhaps while listening to “Relax: Meditations for Flute and Cello” composed by Donald Walters.


Secrets of Friendship


5 out of 5 stars=    Thirty-One Days of Friendship Advice   

Reviewer: The Rebecca Review.com

“The secret of friendship is never belittling a friend’s enthusiasms.” – Day Twelve

If you have the desire to be a better friend or have a friend who would enjoy a mini-book about friendship, I can recommend this to you.

Not only does J. Donald Walters give some very unique ideas, he draws on deep principles and is a keen observer of human interaction.

The Secret Books are part of a series of “seed thoughts.” Two pages are offered for a day of the month. You can read the saying several times and with each repetition, the words will become absorbed more deeply into your subconscious.

J. Donald Walters starts the book in a practical way by giving the first secret and explaining the type of friends you want to choose. If your friends are not sincere and loyal then you may be pouring your life into leaking vessels and find your time essentially spent mopping up spills.

Besides marriage, keeping friendships vibrant, alive and interesting may be one of the most difficult tasks. You really do have to work at being a good friend. The best friends are very accepting of you as a soul and are willing to help you overcome your perilous ways. In fact, they care enough to tell you the truth even if it hurts. Although, at times we tend to like the friends who baby us and shield us from the truth. We like some friends to be a refuge from the storm.

The author presents Friendship in an open and free way.

“The secret of friendship is accepting your friends as they are, and not trying to re-create them in your image, or according to your own desires.” –Day Nine  


For Women

Secrets For Women


5 out of 5 stars=   Inspirational Thoughts and Dreamy Pictures

“True beauty is a radiance outward from within. It comes from kind, happy thoughts, and from virtuous qualities. Beauty is not the outer mask a person wears to please the world. It is erroneous to make a cult of youth. Every age has its intrinsic beauty.” –J. Donald Walters

J. Donald Walters is well known as an author, philosopher, playwright, composer, poet and lecturer. He seems to have the gift of writing beautiful and meaningful thought that inspire the mind and touch the heart.

He takes complex subjects and turns them into beautiful expressions of the heart. I love this tiny book for women. It contains meditations for each day of the month. First you say the saying out loud, then softly, then in a whisper, and then only in your mind.

Each repetition allows the words to be more deeply absorbed into your subconscious. If you become what you think, they thinking some of these beautiful thoughts will make you a more beautiful person inside.

The design of this “secret” book is especially pretty. I love all the gorgeous pictures of flowers, lakes, streams, waterfalls and sunsets. The writing is on the left with the picture on the right. Each thought is really an experience all on its own.

How true is it to read: “Transcend your personal troubles by offering solace to other troubled hearts.” When you start caring about other people, they give you so much more in return than you could ever hope for. It is as if caring unlocks your own creativity and problem solving abilities.

The author focuses on concepts relevant to women in particular and discusses:

How women should focus on their inner beauty and be a mother to all.
Why we should allow people to grow at their own pace.
How to expand the capacity for loving.
Why our moods color our lives.

How emotional reaction clouds reality.
Why we can heal sickness and disharmony with kindness.

Peaceful reflections to encourage the free flow of joy in your life. 


 For Men

Secrets for Men

5 out of 5 stars=    Seed Thoughts

“Be strong in yourself, that you may give strength to other. Be like a spreading oak, in whose shade many can find shelter.”

If we become what we think, then thinking thoughts that make us stronger, wiser and successful has to be the way to go. In “Secrets for Men,” J. Donald Walters presents one thought for each day of the month. He encourages you to keep one page open throughout the day and to read it as often as possible. The though can then slowly work its way into your subconscious. Eventually you acquire a complete understanding of the subject at hand.

Some of the subjects Include:

Giving others the freedom to be themselves.

Not letting others do your thinking for you.

Being a sincere friend to all who cross your path.

Seeing yourself as a part of a greater reality.

Developing graciousness and appreciation.

Nice “gift book” for the man in your life.

Radiant Health

Secrets of Radiant Health and Well-Being


5 out of 5 stars =    30 days to a more radiant you

“The secret of radiant health and well-being is to become a cause, not an effect. Let nothing condition your happiness. Accept from others only what you choose to accept: their good suggestions, but not their insistence on them; their constructive criticism, but not their anger. Radiate outward into the world around you the light of your faith and wisdom.” ~J. Donald Walters

If you enjoy reading beautiful thoughts, you will enjoy all the “Secrets” books by J. Donald Walters. He has a true gift for simplifying the complex. In just a few words, he embraces an entire philosophy that can help change your life.

These books have encouraged me to think more clearly. I’m reviewing all these little books because I really want to share these secrets with you. They are have been quite an inspiration to me.

This book is especially cute and the art has a fresh, alive feel to it. This is a book of “seed thoughts” you can plant into your subconscious. Each day you read one thought and then leave the book open and allow repetition to help the thought become absorbed more deeply into your subconscious.

I find that even reading the book once is helpful. I actually enjoy reading each book all the way through each time.

This book contains the secrets to radiant health. There are comments on having a balanced diet, a reminder to exercise and notes on how to be more content and grateful.

One secret for each day of the month.


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