Quite Impressed
Reviewer: The Rebecca Review
This workout is a full-body workout with an emphasis on
posture and core strength. You will be rolling up and down and
learning to breathe deeply. No shoes needed and you can do this
routine almost anywhere.
”Pilates On the Go” offers a full-body workout and
includes every imaginable Pilates exercise. There were many new
moves I had not seen in other videos, including the “swan
dive” which was quite amusing. Imagine yourself as the base of
a rocking horse. Yes.
IDEA master trainer Maria Leone has been teaching Pilates since
1989 and first encountered the exercises while studying dance at
New York University. She has been certified to teach “The
Method” and owns Bodyline Fitness Studio in Beverly Hills.
I love the way Maria Leone teaches because she is not
interested in a fancy routine, just the basics. Her pleasant
voice is calming and she places an emphasis on stretching and
uses pace effectively to warm the body.
She also has the exercises set up in a logical and effective
progression. You never feel uncomfortable moving from one
exercise to the next. It is a slow floor dance to fitness. You
are mostly on your back, side or stomach. There are a few
exercises done while standing.

Ultimate Pilates
The Exercises Include: A warm-up, Pilates Hundred,
Roll-Up, Roll-Up with Band, Rowing, Bow and Arrow, Rollover, Leg
Circles, Rolling, Single Leg Stretch, Modified Double Leg
Stretch, Scissors, Criss-Cross, Spine Stretch, Open Leg Rocker,
Modified Corkscrew, Saw with Band, Saw, Basic Swan, Leg Lifts,
Intermediate Swan, Swan Dive, Modified Double Leg Stretch,
Double Leg Kick, Spine Twist, Side Kick Series, Teaser,
Preparations, Swimming, Plank, Leg Pull Front, Reverse Plank,
Leg Pull Back, Side Lift, Seal, Push-Ups and Upper Body
exercises with resistance tubing (or you can use weights and a
resistance band).
What I really appreciated was the “modified” exercises.
When an exercise is new to you, you won’t want to dive into
the exercise immediately and Maria shows you the modified
exercise and then asks you to repeat it if you are new to the
exercise or continues with the regular exercise. There is no
time lapse. You do the modified version and the regular version
if you are doing this routine on a regular basis. So, no
waiting. The modified version becomes a warm-up for the next
exercise. If you are new to the exercise, you just do it twice
while she continues with the advanced exercise.
The Benefits of Pilates are very encouraging:
Improves your Posture
Strengthens your Back
Strengthens your Stomach
Increases your Flexibility
Tones your Entire Body
Sharpens Your Mind
Gives you Confidence – the exercises are not too difficult to
master and “no fancy footwork.”
Encourages a healing of the mind, body, spirit
Improves your Life because it calms the mind
This exercise routine is normally purchased in a set and as
far as I can tell from the site I went to, they do not sell the
resistance tubing or Dyna-Band separately. The entire set is
around fifty-five dollars. So, if you can improvise with items
you already have, that seems to be a frugal way to go.
Items you will need to have if you only buy the DVD or Video:
A mat or you can just use a towel on a carpet
Resistance Tubing or you can use a Dyna-Band/Resistance Band
effectively in places and alternate with a set of three-pound
A Dyna-Band or you can use any “Resistance Bands.”
If you have tried just about every other way to lose weight,
give Pilates a try. I have been quite impressed with the results
from these exercises. I started doing Pilates in college and in
a summer I remember changing my body. Unfortunately life got in
the way of exercise and I have recently gone back to these
exercises because I remembered how fast they worked.
Honestly, I have tried everything from diet to walking to
yoga and nothing works as well as Pilates. The bonus of this
workout is the almost immediate results you start to see. That
keeps you highly motivated. You can literally sculpt your body.
While I’m still far from perfect, Pilates is working and I
finally feel I will one day reach my goals.
If you are discouraged with other workouts and want to see
fast results, try this routine. You may also love the Winsor
Pilates workouts or anything by Karen Voight or The Method
videos. What is nice about workout videos/DVDs is that once you
have some of the fitness equipment, you can use it with many
other workouts. So, buying the equipment is really an investment
and when one instructor starts a trend, the rest seem to follow.
What you will notice with Maria Leone is her leadership
qualities. Her exercises have unique twists that are indications
of originality. Originality prevents boredom. These are simple
exercises, but never boring. I look forward to more workouts by
this talented instructor.
How about "Stretching On the Go?"

Pilates Miniball
Exercise in Athens Greece - Intermediate to Advanced,
August 3, 2006
Reviewer: The
Rebecca Review
Juliana Afram's Pilates Miniball workout is a smooth
satisfying routine with challenging exercises infused with
an aesthetic creativity. You don't have to have a ball to
do this workout, but it helps with three or four
exercises. You could use a folded pillow, which worked
fairly well for me. The side lateral twist exercise
definitely needs a pillow or ball in order to complete the
more advanced sections. The only problem with this one
exercise was that you have to rewind to switch sides.
Somehow in the editing, this was overlooked. It only took
a second to rewind but I hope this will be fixed, or has
been for future DVDs.
The exercise routine includes:
Warm Up
Cardio Workout
The artistic flowing quality of many of the exercises
makes them physically challenging, while they also heal
you spiritually. The most difficult exercise on this DVD
is the roll over where you literally lay on your back and
then take your feet up over your head so you are folded in
half. You can work your way into this...I still rock my
way over because I'm working on the control needed to ease
my way over. On other exercises, you may have already
mastered the basics, so they become places where you are
satisfied with your sense of control.
The roll up should be familiar to everyone who has tried
Pilates and the half roll up is a nice way to ease into
the exercise. One some exercises she shows a variety of
modifications. There is a fun helicopter move that
increases hip mobility.
What I loved most about this routine was the focus on
loosening your shoulders. A variety of exercises and a
cervical nod help to loosen the entire upper body, leaving
you refreshed. If you work on a computer all day, then
this is perfect for an early evening exercise session. The
smooth and jazzy soundtrack leads you into relaxation all
while encouraging full participation as you increase
shoulder mobility.
This workout is time for you. Turn off the lights, light a
candle and relax on your Pilates mat. Most of this workout
will have you either laying on your back or stomach with
only a few standing postures (Pilates push up goes from
plank to standing).
Of all the Pilates routines I've tried over the years,
this one left me feeling relaxed, very satisfied
spiritually and completely nourished from head to toe.
Juliana Afram's positive energy is healing and her
exercises are creative and invigorating. The beach
atmosphere and jazzy soundtrack promotes a positive energy
flow that leads you into a new dimension of fitness.
~The Rebecca Review
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