Parent Soup Ideas for children's activities.
Parents Parents' magazine
online. Also see Parent's Edge and Parent
Phonics A wonderful
informative site about teaching phonics. Leonard C. Duncan also wrote: How To
Teach Phonics.
Plush Dreams A collection of
stuffed animals.
Postpartum An International site for
support. Also see: Postpartum
Health Alliance
Right Start A great place to
find smart toys.
Rit Dye Visit the craft corner
for detailed directions on making Play Clay.
Kids A Web site which offers advice on every form of child
safety. Also see 123 safe for home safety.
School Match Select the best
school for your kids. Search public and private schools.
Silly Putty After a half-century,
the magic of Silly Putty endures. Slinky
Scholarships Once you have found
a college, who is going to pay for it...

School Supplies Look for
back-to-school items. Also see these sites: 1 2
3 4
5 6 7
Smarter Kids Toys and games that
are meant to inspire academic interests.
Study Web This hub has links to all
sorts of research information for homework. Great site!
S I Kids Sport's Illustrated for Kids.
They can send e-trading cards to friends.
Toys R Us World's biggest toy store.
Unisar Listen to the
sounds of your unborn baby with a prenatal recording kit.
Urban Baby The online guide
for raising an urban baby.
USA Baby Free
stuff and child safety information.
Very best baby
Infant Nutrition.
What To Expect - Everything you
need to know about your pregnancy on a daily basis.
Working Mother Good articles and
resources. Also see: Annacris
for modern maternity clothes.
Your Baby Twist and lock baby bottles.
Zany Brainy Extraordinary
toys for extraordinary kids!

Saving Childhood : Protecting Our...

The Chronicles of Narnia
Best Tip I have seen yet! To
get your child to give up his pacifier...Clip off the tip with a scissors.
It will no longer be enjoyable to suck on. They claim this is the no cry
way to go! Best Advice I have heard: It is the wise
parent who gives his child roots and wings. —Chinese Proverb Raising
Children Not To Be Bullies: "Kids with
high self-esteem tend not to be bullies." Favorite
Parenting Quote: Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it
wanders wherever your children do. a quote from: A Box of Thoughts for Mothers (Box of...