Spiritual Solutions for Stressful Situations, July 5,
you read a lot of modern self-help books you will have very
likely come across the thought that you can create your reality
by tapping into a universal intelligence. When you read books
written over fifty years ago you may actually find the author
suggesting that you tap into the power of God by memorizing
scripture verses from the Bible.
In "The Power of Positive Thinking," Norman Vincent
Peale has one main message no matter what problem you are trying
to overcome. His ideas go beyond positive affirmations. He
believes that you can solve your problems by relying on God and
through reading positive scripture verses.
Norman Vincent Peale shows how the level of energy of the body
is determined by emotions which are in turn caused by our
thought life. So he spends quite a great deal of time dealing
with negative thoughts. This book is really a series of case
studies which illustrate the main principles of biblical
positive thinking.
I thought the step-by-step approach to dealing with anger was
helpful. Then there is a section on how to have a peaceful mind.
If you feel defeated or worry a lot there are some practical
suggestions. There is even a section on how to heal the body
from disease by visualization. If you can't sleep then you will
be helped by the section on insomnia. From my own experience
prayer can even help you get to sleep better at night
The main focus of this book is to restore the reader to a place
of improved mental and physical health. Norman Vincent Peale
presents spiritual solutions for stressful situations. No matter
how negative your feelings are there is hope if you believe you
can change your situation with God's help.
Yes, this book may annoy agnostics and atheists or anyone who
believes in a different religion. This book seems to have been
mostly written for Christians or for anyone open to the idea of
believing in the biblical God and Jesus.
Even Christians may have a difficult time with this book
especially if they have been reading many of the New Age books
on the market that claim we are divine and can change our
reality with our thoughts. This book does talk about a higher
power but it definitely indicates that this is God not just a
universal intelligence. If you want to take this book seriously
be willing to pray and be open to memorizing scripture.
~The Rebecca Review

The Positive Power of Jesus Christ
Amazing Stories of Spiritual and Physical Transformation,
May 25, 2017
When you read one of Norman Vincent
Peale's books you may feel compelled to read another and another
as I've done recently. This is the third book I've read and it
is one of the best so far. This book is about the positive and
life changing power of Jesus Christ when you accept him into
your life as your guide and savior. This book is filled with
stories of people who were struggling with either psychological
issues or physical issues. Those who used the power of Jesus to
heal themselves also came to enjoy a life of peace and joy.
There were some very hopeless cases that will amaze.
Some of the stories come to Norman Vincent Peale through letters
he shares in the book. People were sure good writers back in his
day. There was a genuineness to their writing that few take time
to express these days with tweets, email and Facebook. Long gone
is the letter written and put in the mail and I think we need to
read letters like that even in our hurried times.
If you have an indomitable spirit and still have issues to deal
with, this book gives clues and direction on how to turn your
life around for the better. Norman Vincent Peale was not only a
pastor but saw deeply into the souls of his church members to
help heal soul sickness.
This book also includes some marriage advice and a story of a
faith healing. Norman Vincent Peale believed in a supernatural
God who could heal soul, mind and body. This is one of the
essential books to read if you are ill, depressed, lacking
energy or generally not feeling up to the task of life. This
books holds the secrets to life's problems. I also encourage you
to read The Power of Positive Thinking which goes much more into
detail about how to salvage your life and be successful.
~The Rebecca Review

Discovering the Power of Positive Thinking
How to Develop Yourself as a Positive Thinker, June
11, 2017
If you want to experience
Norman Vincent Peale's influential writing in a new way this is
a good option. Part 1 is written by Norman and Part 2 is written
by Norman's wife, Ruth. To be honest she is even a better writer
than her husband and provides a lot of practical advice while
also telling some interesting stories. This book seems to have
been put together after Norman's passing from this life.
Throughout the book there are also motivational quotes by other
people. The point the book makes is that you can control your
thoughts and by doing so you can become more successful at
everything. The power of God is also emphasized. By reading this
book you will learn how to deal with critics and also how to
This is a perfect book to give as a gift as it is like a book of
wisdom passed down through generations.
This book made me think that your highest spiritual achievement
will be when you finally let God be God and give him your life,
in total surrender.
So many people are happy because they follow the principles in
this book, it can't be wrong. The fact that positive thinking
can change your life for the better with God's help is
~The Rebecca Review

The True Joy of Positive Living
A Book that will make you Laugh and Cry, May 21,
If you have read The Power of
Positive Thinking or any other book by Norman Vincent Peale
(1898-1993) you may have had your life changed by one of the most
positive people in the world. I'm convinced that any book by Norman
Vincent Peale is going to be one of the best books I've ever read. I
do not say this lightly. This book however is his autobiography and
it is excellent. It really gives you a full view of the man's life
and work and explains his commitment to the betterment of lives.
This book is filled with interesting stories of Norman Vincent
Peale's life and he really knows how to tell a wonderful tale. I
liked that he included things he wise father taught him. I also
loved the memories of his mother. I don't think anyone has ever
described their mother quite so poetically.
One story made me laugh with delight as his mother was so witty.
Next he tells a sad story that will have you close to tears. He
definitely did inherit his mother's talent for telling stories.
What makes this book so good is the author's photographic memory. He
remembers moments in great detail which makes the reading very
exciting and like a movie playing in your head.
Norman Vincent Peale also knew a lot of famous people and has nice
things to say about Billy Graham, Jesse Owens, Colonel Sanders,
Lucille Ball, Dale Carnegie and others. He focuses on positive
things about them which is nice and the highlights are the verbal
exchanges which are at times quite humorous. His discussion of
President Eisenhower was very interesting.
I don't think anyone I've ever read about besides Eleanor Roosevelt
had such an interesting life meeting so many people of influence. It
is really amazing how a shy boy from a small town became a dynamic
preacher and speaker. While he is long gone on to the eternal world
his books still provide insight into the good old days and times
when men and women had a deep commitment to God and country. I just
rarely read about people with as much conviction as the people in
his stories have.
So if you are looking for a pleasant read down memory lane, this is
perfect. I really enjoyed it and hope more of Norman Vincent Peale's
fans will find this book and discover what his world was like. It is
never too late to discover a autobiography like this. Some of the
supernatural things that happened in his life will also amaze.
~The Rebecca Review