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Menu Planning

You were given an appetite so that you would nourish yourself. ~Julia Child

Since the debut of the shopping cart in 1939, buying everything you need for the week in one trip became possible. Now you can even buy everything you need on the Internet. Taking time to plan meals will save many trips to the store and wasted hours wondering what you are going to cook for dinner. There is a simple method that will make your meal planning a breeze.  

Here are the seven steps to perfect planning:

1.  The first step is to create a list. A printable shopping list is
available here. It will not print out the blue background and prints
out two pages for your shopping needs.

2.  It is helpful to choose an hour one day each week for
uninterrupted planning. When planning, keep in mind that a
variety in color, flavor, temperature and texture will produce
the most appetizing meals.

3.  Write down the recipes (include book abbreviation and page number) you will be making this week on the menu sheet. At the same time write down the ingredients you will need. If you need a certain amount, make a note as to the quantity and size.

4.  Go through the kitchen and write down items you are running
low on or are out of.

5.  Go shopping with your list. 

6.  When you get home, freeze meats you will not be using immediately. Place vegetables and fruit in Evert-Fresh bags to prevent spoilage. Now you  will have all the ingredients you need. If you change your mind on a recipe or change the day a recipe is made, use the extra ingredients at the beginning of the next week.

7.  Many items can be frozen to prevent spoilage. Freezing leftovers immediately saves time in the long run. You may  change your mind about eating the leftovers the next day, and  they will spoil. Freezing leftovers in individual portions allows you to microwave a meal in minutes, especially when you are too busy to cook.




























































































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