Acting on your heart's instructions means
abandoning all those careful strategies for avoiding rejection
and bolting toward the fertile, gorgeous jungle of human
imagination and possibility. ~ Martha Beck, author
They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is
thunder and lightning. ~ Clint Eastwood
Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the
right direction. ~ St. Teresa of Avila
My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife,
you'll be happy; if not,
you'll become a philosopher. ~ Socrates
The same know contentment,
for beauty is their lover,
and beauty is never absent
from this world.
~ St. Teressa of Avila, saint and poet
Give me an hour and I'll make a lifetime out of it. ~ Ingrid
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea
between the shores of your souls. ~ Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Lips that taste of tears, they say,
Are the best for kissing. ~ Dorothy Parker
Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real
lovers to be silly. ~ Rose Franken
For one human being to love another that is
perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last
test and proof; the work for which all other work is but
preparation. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
In my sex fantasy, nobody ever loves me for my mind. ~ Nora
Love and understanding never condemn but always seek to help
and encourage. ~ Meher Baba

When I think of you,
fireflies in the marsh rise
like the soul's jewels,
lost to eternal longing,
abandoning my body
~ Izumi Shikibu (970-1030)
The new moon stirs pangs of love. ~ Vidyapati
To find the woman of your dreams and possibly even create her
- first be the man of hers. ~ Steven
A. Guerrero
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world
than for bread. ~ Mother Teresa
You will find as you look back upon your life that the
moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you
have done things in a spirit of love. ~ Henry Drummond
Erotic love is one of the highest forms of contemplation. ~
Kenneth Rexroth
Love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking
together in the same direction. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of
fiction and love. ~ Benjamin Disraeli
There were never strawberries
like the ones we had
that sultry afternoon
sitting on the step
of the open French window
facing each other
your knees held in mine
the blue plates in our laps
the strawberries glistening
in the hot sunlight
we dipped them in sugar
looking at each other
not hurrying the feast
for one to come
the empty plates
laid on the stone together
with the two forks crossed
and I bent towards you
sweet in that air
in my arms
abandoned like a child
from your eager mouth
the taste of strawberries
in my memory
lean back again
let me love you
let the sun beat
on our forgetfulness
one hour of all
the heat intense
and summer lightning
on the Kilpatrick hills
let the storm wash the plates
~ Edwin Morgan
Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only
love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away. ~
Elbert Hubbard
We can only learn to love by loving. ~ Iris Murdoch
Eros seizes and shakes my very soul
like the wind on the mountain
shaking ancient oaks. ~ Sappho
To be in love is to surpass one's self. ~ Oscar Wilde
is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential
to your own.
A. Heinlein
The deeper that sorrow carves
into your being, the more joy
you can contain. ~ Kahlil Gibran
in the Spring
Bright moonlight shines thorough the trees.
In a rich brocade, the flowers bloom.
How can I not think of you―
alone, lonely, working at my loom.
Yeh (4th century)
Life is the first gift,
love is the second
and understanding the third.
~ Marge Piercy
Love is the master key that opens the gates to happiness. ~
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Quarrels in France strengthen a love affair, in America
they end it. ~ Ned Rorem
Love talked about can be easily turned aside, but love
demonstrated is irresistible. ~ W. Stanley Mooneyham
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech
when words become superfluous. ~ Ingrid Bergman
To ―
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the Ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
in one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine?―
the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
and the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
A friend is someone who knows the song in
your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten
the words. ~ Unknown
And I would hear yet once before I perish
The voice which was my music -Speak to me! ~ George Gordon
Lord Byron
Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can
have. ~ Aimee Mullins
Anyone can look at others eyes, but Lovers
can see into each other's souls through the eyes. ~ Larry
I believe if I should die,
And you should kiss my eyelids when I lie
Cold, dead, and dumb to all the world contains,
The folded orbs would open at thy breath,
And, from its exile in the isles of death,
Life would come gladly back along my veins.
From Creed by Mary Ashley Townsend
Love is an infinite sky!
~ Osho
When love is your greatest weakness, you will
be the strongest person in the world. ~ Garman Wold
An orange on the table
Your dress on the rug
And you in my b ed
Sweet present of the present
Cool of night
Warmth of my life.
~ Jacques Prévert,
Translated by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Love is a great wrecker of peace of mind. ~ Susan
Cheever, As
Good As I Could Be
Being deeply loved by someone gives you
loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~ Lao Tzu
The lips of the one I love are my perpetual
pleasure... ~ Hafiz
Sex itself is a substitute for God. When we desire another
human being sexually,
we are really only trying to fill our longing for ecstasy and union
with the
infinite. ~ Cathryn Michon
All you need is love. ~ John Lennon
At the touch of love everyone becomes a
poet. ~ Plato
Meeting at Night
The gray seas and the long black land;
and the yellow half-moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As I gain the cove with pushing prow,
And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand.
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Three fields to cross till a farm appears;
A tap on the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match,
And a voice less loud, thro’ its joys and fears,
Than the two hearts beating each to each!
~ Robert Browning (1812–1889)
Being deeply loved by someone gives you
strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~ Lao
Never go to bed mad:
stay up and fight. ~ Phyllis Diller
Each morning as I awaken your the reason I smile, Your the
reason I love. ~ Jerry Burton
In former days we'd both agree
that you were me, and I was you.
What has now happened to us two,
That you are you, and I am me?
~ Bhartrhari, Translated from the- Sanskrit by
John Brough
A heart that loves is always young. ~ Greek
For every man who neglects to impart kind and
loving words, both verbal and written, there is a woman who
suffers greatly. ~ Steven Andrew Guerrero
A successful marriage requires falling in love
many times, always with the same person. ~ Mignon
This is the time to speak the word of
appreciation. ~ Grenville Kleiser, author
Poetry Reviews

Love Poems
Understanding of Love, November 5, 2004But true Love is a durable fire
In the mind ever burning;
Never sick, never old, never dead,
From itself never turning. ~ Walter Ralegh
I am naturally drawn to tiny books and this book was no
exception. I saw it and instantly fell in love with the red
library binding and gold embossing on the fabric cover. This is
one of those books you want to carry around with you in your
pocket to read on a sunny day while sitting on a park bench.
While most of the poems were new to me, I did find lines to make
any poet drown in the pure beauty of words. "In My Sky at
Twilight" is a paraphrase of the 30th poem in Raindranath
Tagore's The Gardener. The images are lush and mingle emotion
with nature. "In Former Days" by Bhartrhari (5th
Century) is witty and beautiful in its simplicity. Two lovers
are so in love they forget their separateness and then drift
back to being "you" and "me." The poem is a
mere four lines and yet it provides a intimate look at how
lovers feel when in love and when they drift apart. I loved a
few lines in "The Palanquin" where a butterfly lands
on delicate skin and transfers colors onto the lover's skin.
The poems are divided into 7 sections:
Definitions and Persuasions
Love and Poetry
Praising the Loved One
Pleasures and Pains
Fidelity and Inconstancy
Absence, Estrangement and Parting
Love Past
You may recognize poems by Lord Byron, Edgar Allan Poe, William
Shakespeare, Walt Whitman and Dorothy Parker. I was pleasantly
surprised by poems by Leconte De Lisle, Pablo Neruda and
You will find a wide range of love poems. This book contains
selections from ancient China to modern America. These poems
present the universal experience of the human heart.
~The Rebecca Review
A Book of Love Poetry
only part to meet again..., February 26, 2005
A Book of Love Poetry is filled with poems you may have met
before in your studies at school or while reading books of
poetry. Who could forget "My mistress' eyes are nothing
like the sun" or "How Do I Love thee? Let me count the
There is comfort in the familiarity of Christopher Marlowe's The
Passionate Shepherd To His Love where he shows an intuitive
understanding of love's fantasy. However, I was not prepared for
Sir Walter Ralegh's "Her Reply," an almost sarcastic
retort, and yet a beautiful poem. I prefer the fantasy
Christopher Marlowe paints with his poetic description of love
and the two poems do explore the contrast between fantasy and
reality. Cecil Day Lewis copies the first two lines from
Christopher Marlowe's poem, as if we wouldn't notice.
Wit and humor make their appearance in Sally In Our Alley and
the last few lines are cute. Many of the poems may make you
question the entire idea of love being blind. Is love blind or
does love open our eyes to the beauty of existence? Are we not
truly blind before we fully love?
If you read a book of poetry and find one poem you love, then I
think it is worth purchasing the book. The rare discovery is
worth the effort and Edwin Morgan's "Strawberries" was
such a discovery. I especially loved the ending of the poem
filled with summer lightning and rain.
the strawberries glistening
in the hot sunlight
we dipped them in sugar
Jacques Prévert's Alicante is a sweet portrait of love in six
lines and leaves a lasting impression. Octavio Paz also explores
touch in a memorable six lines. Both poems prove their point. A
short poem can be more profound than unending lines of
complicated phrases. A quick, stunning recollection of love
seems to leave a more lasting impression. Bhartrhari also
presents a poem of four lines to describe love's initial binding
power and time's power to separate lovers.
Pablo Neruda's poetry presents a vivid contrast to many of the
poems in this book. His poems are an enthralling blend of
sensuality and rhythm.
Over the sky's hot rim,
The day's last breath in our sails.
Pinned by the sun between solstice
and equinox, drowsy and tangled together
The Introduction presents ideas about the relationship between
creative and sexual energy. Do poets have more intense emotional
moments throughout their lives or are they just better at
assembling words into evocative phrases as they gaze with an
inward eye and are compelled to create? The poems are organized
in eight main sections:
Intimations - Intimate portraits of women by the men who adore
their beauty.
Declarations - "She walks in beauty, like the
Persuasions - Convincing women to love while they are young and
other romantic notions...
Celebrations - Temptations, songs and kisses.
Aberrations - Deviations from the expected course of love,
rejections and indifference.
Separations - Poems of loss, farewell, future considerations and
longing when lovers are apart.
Desolations - Heartbreaking poems of loss and remembrance with
splashes of beauty and moments of unending hope. Yehuda
Amichai's Quick and Bitter has a beautiful conclusion.
Reverberations - Memories of eating strawberries before a storm
and kisses remembered.
While reading A Book of Love Poems, I found many new poems to
enjoy and the copy I purchased was already dog-eared and well
loved. While my copy is a paperback version, I would much prefer
a hardcover edition. The Index of Poets and the Index of Titles
and First Lines is especially helpful if you are studying a
particular poet or you are looking for a favorite poem.
If you are looking for a book of poems to inspire romance and
you enjoy selections with a more traditional appeal, Jon
Stallworthy's book has much to offer. If you are looking for
erotic poems, there are a few selections, although I'd recommend
The Erotic Spirit edited by Sam Hamill.
~The Rebecca Review

The Erotic Spirit
Sacred Sanctuary of Desires, February 25, 2005Erotic love is one of the highest forms of contemplation.
~Kenneth Rexroth
The Erotic Spirit is a collection of beautiful poems mingling
together in a land of sensual nirvana. The minute you enter the
pages of this stunning anthology, you will find you have entered
a sacred sanctuary of desire. You may find yourself startled by
the mirroring of emotions. When Sappho (6th century BCE) wrote:
"Eros seizes and shakes my very soul like the wind on the
mountain shaking ancient oaks," did she imagine women in
the future knowing exactly what she was talking about?
Sam Hamill has included moments of beauty to blur the
distinction between spirituality and sensuality. The two become
one in a swirling of seductive soul expressions.
Rarely have I read a "Preface" so profound in content
and so enlightening in regards to poetry. The "Notes on the
Poets" section is also essential to your enjoyment and I
was so pleased Sam Hamill included information on each poet.
Suddenly a poem becomes all the more significant when you read
about Sappho jumping from a cliff because her love was not
Sam Hamill is a poet and the author of over thirty books of
poetry, translations and essays. He shows a deep understanding
of erotic love and has included poems of longing, passion,
compassion, sexual love, adoration, devotion and ecstasy.
There are poems from Egypt, Greece, China, Japan, Turkey, India,
America, England, Thailand, Mexico, Spain, France, Lebanon,
Pakistan, Estonia and Costa Rica.
Featured Poets: Sappho, Anakreon, Asklepiados, Praxilla,
Rufinus, Marcus Argentarius, Catullus, Philodemos, Ovid,
Petronius Arbiter, Tzu Yeh, Agathias Scholoasticus, Cometas
Chartularius, Paulus Silentiarius, Li Po, Otomo No Yakamochi,
Yuan Chen, Li Ho, Ariwara No Narihira, Li Hsun, Ono No Komachi,
Izumi Shikibu, Liu Yung, Samuel Ha-Nagid, Ou-Yang Hsiu,
Mahadeviyakka, Jelaluddin Rumi, Francesco Petrarch, Ikkyu Sojun,
Kabir, Vidyapati, Mirabai, William Shakespeare, Bihari, Robert
Herrick, Anne Bradstreet, Se Praj, Andrew Marvell, John Dryden,
Jonathan Swift, William Blake, John Keats, Walt Whitman, Charles
Baudelaire, Emily Dickinson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Antonnio
Machado, Yosano Akiko, Anna Akhmatova, Pablo Neruda, Kenneth
Rexroth, Hayden Carruth, Denise Levertov, Carolyn Kizer, Robert
Creeley, Adrienne Rich, Roberto Sosa, Robert Kelly, Lucille
Clifton, Jaan Kaplinski, Sam Hamill, Gioconda Belli, Olga
Broumas, Maurya Simon and Dorianne Laux.
Within these pages there are poems by an Indian Princess who
became a saint, poems by one of the most influential poets in
history and even poems from a woman who is considered to be the
first poet in America.
Poems to Adore:
Plum Blossoms - A poem describing longing while lovers are
apart. The clouds become love notes as a poet drifts in an
orchid boat.
Yuan Chen's Remembering - Passion, daydreams and mountains
keeping lovers apart.
Fires Run Through My Body - An anonymous Kwakiutl poem
describing love as pain. There is a similar theme in Yuan Chen's
Remembering where pain is embraced.
The Erotic Spirit will make you breathless! Some of these poems
stir up such deep emotions it is as if the poems burst from the
pen in order to experience a union with the page on which they
were being written.
100 Stars!
~The Rebecca Review

The 100 Best Love Poems
Elegant and Classic, March 30, 2006
How can I keep my soul in me, so that it doesn't touch your
How can I raise it high enough, past you, to other things?
I would like to shelter it, among remote lost objects,
in some dark and silent place that doesn't resonate
when our depths resound. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Leslie Pockell has created a collection of 100 Love Poems in
order to explore the many facets of love's expression. The poems
range from passionate longings to realistic portrayals (Judith
Viorst's True Love). There are images of love's transcendence
and safety. Everything from ecstasy to grief is included.
Classics like To Helen by Edgar Allan Poe are very familiar.
The River Merchant's Wife by Li Po brings elegant beauty and
Strawberries by Edwin Morgan dips into memories of storms while
eating strawberries in sugar, one of my all-time favorite poems
because of the ending. Katherine Mansfield's poem about tea is
warm and satisfying. The flow and rhythm in many of the poems is
especially comforting.
The wide range of emotions within the poems also allows for a
few moments of sarcasm (Love 20 Cents the First Quarter Mile by
Kenneth Fearing) and even humor that is adorably funny. Your
Catfish Friend by Richard Brautigan is witty and cute and looks
at love from an especially creative perspective. This allows for
poems with personality and lightens the heavier content and
melancholy love often reveals.
Complete poems and extracts mingle effortlessly through the
pages. Each poem is accompanied by an insightful explanation
that also sheds light on historical facts and the life of the
poet. In Love Song by Rainer Maria Rilke we learn of his
lifelong melancholy and Leslie Pockell explains how he is
conscious of the distance between lovers playing an
"essential part in sustaining the mystery of love and
life." Her ideas flow with the poems in a beautiful
celebration of poetry. She gives only enough information to
introduce the poem and does not provide extended commentary.
Poets featured in this collection include: Dante Alighieri,
William Shakespeare, Howard Moss, Christopher Marlowe, John
Milton, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Burns, Robert Graves, Rumi, Sir
John Suckling, E.E. Cummings, Frances Cornford, Sir Philip
Sidney, Guillaume Apollinaire, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Walt Witman,
Pablo Neruda, William Blake, Robert Frost, Catullus, Octavio
Paz, Tzumi Shikibu, Sylvia Plath, Li Po, D.H. Lawrence, John
Keats, Ted Hughes, Margaret Atwood and many more...
There are 100 poets featured in this book. Whether you are a
hopeless romantic or enjoy thinking about the many aspects of
love, this book has much to offer. I can almost guarantee you
will find 5 poems to adore, 10 you want to read again and again
and 20 new poets you are happy to have found.
~The Rebecca Review