Egerton once said: "Iced tea is too pure and natural a creation not to have
been invented as soon as tea, ice and hot weather crossed paths."
Today, we make "Sun Tea" by hanging tea
bags in a lidded jar of water. We leave the jar to sit out in the sun a few
hours. This is a more traditional recipe, but feel free to experiment with sun
tea in your yard.
4 cups water
6 tea bags
2/3 cup granulated
2 cups cold water
Ice cubes
Lemon slices
Fresh mint leaves
Bring the water to a boil in 3-quart saucepan. Remove from
the heat. Tie all
the tea bags together with their own strings.
Submerge the tea
bags in the hot water. Let the tea steep for
15 minutes or
longer if you prefer strong tea.
2. Remove the tea bags and add the
sugar while the tea is warm.
3. Pour the cold water into a
2-quart plastic jug, add tea. Let
diluted tea come
to room temperature to prevent cloudiness,
then refrigerate
until needed.
4. Serve tea in a glass pitcher.
Pour over ice cubes in tall
Decorate with thin lemon slices and mint leaves.
Serves 4