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Books on Death and Dying

Final Gifts - Death and Dying

5.0 out of 5 stars Understand Death on a Deeper Level, October 12, 2009
Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley have truly given the world a gift with their thoughtful book. Not only does this book describe what happens at the point of death, it explains how to deal with the stages of death as they appear. I especially could appreciate the sections that explained how to facilitate a peaceful death.

By reading this book I gained a deeper understanding of death itself and became more aware of how family and friends can make dying a more peaceful process. While this book does touch on a few near-death experiences it is mainly concerned with "nearing death awareness."

The real-life examples throughout make this book highly meaningful and at times brought me close to tears. I'd recommend this book to anyone who has a friend or relative who is near death or is terminally ill. This would also be especially helpful for physicians, nurses, family members and friends of the dying.

Here are a few other book I can highly recommend:

Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies

When Death Occurs

A Garden of Love and Healing: Living Tributes to Those We Have Loved and Lost

Grief Expressed: When a Mate Dies

Unspeakable: The Truth About Grief

I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One

Facing the Ultimate Loss: Confronting the Death of a Child

Grieving God's Way

~The Rebecca Review


Final Conversations


5.0 out of 5 stars An Especially Important Book Everyone Needs to Read, September 23, 2009
"Most people die the same way that they lived."

By writing "Final Conversations," Maureen Keeley and Julie Yingling have really given a gift to the world. Dying is a topic we often shy away from because frankly it scares us to think of life ending. This book however is a very healing read and addresses all the concerns you may have about dealing with the death of someone you love.

The authors guide the reader through the process of dealing with death in a practical way. By reading this book filled with real-life examples you will be better prepared to face a loved ones' death and to learn from the experience.

One of the stories that stood out for me was the beautiful story of a father who hums a song to his daughter over the phone just days before he dies. Since he can no longer talk this is the only way they could communicate. As she sings along with his humming they are still able to connect in a profound way. This book also explains how to communicate with someone when they are incapable of verbal communication.

There are some interesting chapters in this book that explore how children deal with death and how adults deal with the death of parents who they didn't really get along with. In the end love is all that counts and these brave souls face seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Normally I can finish a book in a matter of hours but this book took me a great part of the day to read and absorb. The lessons I learned will help me deal with the death of those I love. This is an especially important book that everyone should read!

~The Rebecca Review 


Great Answers


5.0 out of 5 stars Dealing with Death as a Child, September 10, 2009

When I was a child we lived overseas and my maternal grandfather died. I had only seen him a few times in my life and had no emotional connection to him. So when my mother went to bed and cried for days I had no understanding of what was happening or what had happened. No one really talked to me about why my grandfather had died or even told me what death was.

I wouldn't wish this type of confusion on any child, which is why I'd recommend adults read this very helpful book. Linda Goldman knows exactly what to say and how much to say. This is important because children of various ages have different questions. Children may be angry, frustrated or very sad and may not even understand what death is.

I liked Linda Goldman's explanation of death as "the body stops working." That says enough while not getting into too many details. I liked her ideas of having children draw pictures of how they imagine heaven to be. She also recommended having a child write a goodbye letter.

This book deals with issues like murder, cancer, hospice care, AIDS, death due to old age, the death of a pet and handling holidays after someone dies. Overall I felt this book would be excellent for anyone trying to explain death to a child in a way they could really understand what happened. There is also information on how to handle memorial services and funerals. I wish my parents had read a book like this when I was a child.

~The Rebecca Review



5.0 out of 5 stars Profoundly Beautiful Stories of the Dying, July 30, 2017

"We are spiritual beings having these human experiences for a very short time so that we can learn to love." ~ a lovely soul

Talking about death in our culture is difficult enough. Writing a book about death is quite an accomplishment. "Transitions" is filled with experiences
the author had with patients and families over a period of thirty years. The book begins with some humor but gets more serious as it progresses. What is most interesting is the detailed conversations Becki Hawkins has with patients while they were ill or dying.

One patient tells a beautiful story of how his experience of life changed after cancer. Becki Hawkins also shares what she went through with her brother when he was fighting cancer. That is the most detailed of the stories as she was there from beginning to end. I felt she captured the love of a sister helping her brother through the most difficult time of his life.

Halfway through this book I had a good cry. I could not read any further and left the book for several days until I felt I was prepared to go back and finish the stories. Some of these stories are tear inducing. All have unique endings. Not every situation is recorded until the very end so it is not a scary, depressing book at all.

Becki Hawkins writing style is pleasantly creative and she captures moments effectively in each story. She has great powers of description that make you feel like you are in the room with her. I also enjoyed learning how the situations she encountered changed her life and made her a better person. Her advice for what to do when visiting the dying is invaluable. She also talks about how to care for those who are grieving.

I came away from this book thinking how precious life is and what a gift it is to be with the dying when they are fragile and need constant care. Becki Hawkins' wisdom is profoundly beautiful.

~The Rebecca Review




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