The Heart of Amazon, April 12, 2017
If you are looking for a way to improve
how you manage your own company or are just curious about an
inside look at how amazon works this is a great place to start.
Of all the books I've read on amazon this one seems the most
useful and insightful. By reading this book you can gain
knowledge that will allow you to apply lessons learned to your
own business.
I feel this book effectively captures the essence of amazon's
leadership. There are many quotes and letters by Jeff Bezos
which reveal his brilliance and also dedication to customers. He
really does seek to delight customers and wants them to have the
best experience on the web. Some of his comments are also lol
funny. This book explains how Jeff Bezos has built a culture
that meets extremely high standards. While other authors have
perhaps guessed at what Jeff is thinking, John Rossman actually
really seems to know and bases his information off Jeff's words.
The heart of amazon is finally revealed. John Rossman excels at
paying attention to the details.
Most books on amazon tend to be highly analytical but this one
goes even deeper to the core of what amazon is. Working at
amazon seems to be a character building process. Some of the
stories of what amazon has done to keep customers happy are also
amazing. The technology is mind blowing.
I especially enjoy books written by former employees and this
one is no exception. Since John Rossman used to work for amazon
he has the inside scoop and he presents people who work there in
a very positive light.
What this book does well is capture the excitement of amazon. I
read this book in one day and had trouble putting it down. It
was that interesting. Now I understand the depths to which Jeff
Bezos goes to make amazon my favorite website. This book made me
wonder what surprises are awaiting us all in the near future.
So I felt this was an intellectually invigorating read and I
especially enjoyed Jeff's letters to his stockholders. This book
gives sage advice on how to manage a company that is
customer-centric. It also explains what attracts high-performing
employees. You can't afford not to read this book if you own
your own company. It is that good!
~The Rebecca Review

One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of
the Excitement of the Amazon Experience, October 17, 2012
Click" is especially well researched and effectively
captures the excitement of the amazon experience. If you love
amazon and want to know how it evolved then this is one of the
best books on the subject.
Richard L. Brandt also spends a great deal of time talking about
Jeff Bezos in particular. I loved the cute stories of Jeff's
childhood and the explanation about why he is so enthusiastic
about space travel. I've always known that Jeff Bezos was smart,
however the information in this book about his life gave me a
whole new level of respect. He is far more complex than even I
After reading this book I felt that Richard L. Brandt
masterfully wove the story of Jeff Bezos' life with the history
of amazon. The author also includes a chapter on the Kindle and
some information about Netflix that might surprise you.
Overall I felt this book would be appreciated by reviewers,
customers, business leaders and entrepreneurs. I look forward to
reading other books by this author.
~The Rebecca Review

The Everything Store
Fascinating, October 16, 2013
Stone has the heart of an investigative reporter and deftly uncovers
fascinating tidbits of Amazon's history from the time it was just a
thought in Jeff Bezos' head until Amazon took over the Internet
"The Everything Store" is truly a love story for anyone
who has watched Amazon evolve over the past eighteen years. This
extremely well-written book is the result of over 300 interviews
with all the major players in Jeff Bezos' life.
Jeff is presented as an eternal optimist, an extreme risk taker and
a demanding perfectionist. Basically the man we have come to love
and respect who gives the customer exactly what they want even when
he has to fight for his vision.
Some of the things Jeff is recorded as saying made me laugh out
loud. Some things he has said made me sit up and pay attention. Brad
Stone however doesn't shy away from the realities of Jeff Bezos
being a powerful leader. This makes this story riveting and Brad
Stone makes sure you feel like you were there when every challenging
decision was faced.
I have read other books on Amazon and have found them all
intriguing, however this book is such a detailed version of the
history of Amazon that I'd suggest you read it first. To be honest
every sentence in this book is a pleasure to read. It is the type of
book that makes your heart beat a little faster in anticipation of
the next tantalizing detail.
Here are some more books on amazon if you are interested:
Five Years at the Epicenter of the Dot.Com Juggernaut
Dog Years: Doing Time at
- Get Big Fast : Inside the Revolutionary Business Model That
Changed the World
Bezos: Business Genius of Amazon.Com (Internet Biographies)
~The Rebecca Review